Individuals who have been locked in this situation are in very - TopicsExpress


Individuals who have been locked in this situation are in very dangerous psychological circumstances. They spend much of their time crying. Everybody is depressed and attention for suicide is increasing. Every time a frustrated and depressed person tries suicide, officers prevent it and take that person to visit a psychologist and watch them for several days. If you tell your psychologist that you wish to die they appoint two officers to watch you, one on one. Why? To save you! Here in this hell live 60 children who are less than four years of age. A number of them are between four and 10, and another 60 or 70 are adolescents. I ask you what is the sin of these children? Australian government should adopt proper actions to block sea passages – instead they are using us to do that. This is not detention, this is hell. Here seems to be like a military place and even many officers feel that. They feel they have been dispatched to here for armed war. When I talk to them, many have been in Iraq and Afghanistan war. I ask you what is the sin of those who have fled war and dictatorship? In Nauru all detainees had hope to catch a bright future after all the horrible experiences and unbearable difficulties, and hope they will be released and can live in a developed country with adequate standards of living, not in such a country like Cambodia or Nauru. Do you know how many people tried to kill themselves in last few days? Do you know how many enormous officers have been transferred to Nauru to suppress any kind of demonstration? Do you know what the meaning of hopeless and helpless is? Do you know what is the meaning of I got tired of being alive? This letter is a small picture of the great hell that we are experiencing in Nauru. When we were in Christmas Island we had contacted Australian human rights authorities several times via phone or internet. They kept telling us that we could do nothing because we can never prevent you from being transferred to Nauru. After we were moved to Nauru, we lost all contact with them. Now I ask you, where are the human rights authorities, UN, Red Cross, and humanity? Why they have abandoned us here? Where else may a refugee be treated like this? It has become a surprise for my son to watch TV, to see a bicycle, ordinary people passing by, cars, streets, etc. He is in hell for 14 months. The only thing he has already seen in his lifetime is officers in uniforms. Please read my letter carefully and try to understand our pains here. We need help, help and help. I, as a mother, am writing to all Australian people, who I have heard to be kind and friendly. I address you friendly people only, and have no hope in official organisations and authorities. I beg you help us and our little children before it is too late.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 19:23:35 +0000

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