Indu and I attended the monthly meeting of Nepal Educational and - TopicsExpress


Indu and I attended the monthly meeting of Nepal Educational and Cultural Center (aka Nepali Mandir) yesterday. I was very pleasantly surprised by the changes. The old gazebo has been replaced with a Mandir with a capacity of 30 people at an approximate cost of $25,000. Flowers have been planted around it. Now it really looks like a temple. It has all been possible with the Shramdan of very dedicated people. My commendation to this group led by Mahendra Karki, Prem Sangrula, Khilendra Neupane, Netra Ghising, Krishna and Saroj Prajapati and many other enthusiastic dedicated people. All its loans are paid up and the ownership of the property (all that land, three bed room house, the hall, and the newly renovated temple) is in its own name. Yesterdays meeting was very positive and took the following steps: 1. Updating of its website with all programs and financial statements for transparency and general information. 2. Submission of applications for permits for needed facilities and the main temple building. Krishna Nirola was appointed to chair this group. 2. Election of new Executive Committee (Management committee) to be sworn in on its Anniversary (September 30 weekend) A Nomination and Election commitee was also formed with Krishna Nirola, Ram Malakar, Meena Giri and I was appointed to chair it. We will be sending a formal request to all NECC members for nomination for different positions and more details. Please be a member and participate in it. Its for a noble cause. Contacr the current treasurer Netra Ghising for details. 3. Pujas every month by local organizations and geographical groups to start from Janmastami ( August 17) Additionally, Mandir will be open every day for 2 hours each in the morning and evening hours during the weekdays and whole day during the weekebds. I was again appointed to contact different groups to host monthly pujas. Lok Tiwari from Ghare Kabab has pledged to provide lunch at the Pujas. I will be contacting you in the next few days. We need 12 hosts. Umesh Koirala has already volunteered to be the host for August. Its a great start and my commendations to him for his enthusiastic support. Please contact me if you want to volunteer to host monthly puja before all the spots are taken. So the NECC is on its march and now we need to help to speed it up. Dr. Mrigendra Raj Pandey (pioneer cardiologist) from Nepal was also at the meeting. He is a great supporter of the NECC. He had contributed Pashupati murti in the 1990s. He made a contribution of $200 on the spot and also announced that a donation of NR 100,000 in Nepal. This can be used to buy murtis and other items from Nepal. What a great heart and genereousity. So friends, this is a great positve development and let us join hands to make the final phase of the NECC (renovation of the hall with its facilities and construction of the temple) happen as early as possible. This is our temple and belongs to every Nepali and Nepali American in the USA and we need to come forward to take its ownership by actively particpating in it. Let us get going and move on.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 09:50:47 +0000

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