Indulging myself on facebook. Should be doing yet another job - TopicsExpress


Indulging myself on facebook. Should be doing yet another job application for people who would never hire anyone over 30 but wont put that on their ad because of those really helpful anti-discrimination laws. Aieee. Like musical comedy Fagin I am reviewing the situation. Some kind of peddling I think has to be the way to go. Its a traditional recourse: Vanzettie was a peddling man/pushed the fischart with his hand. And that worked out just fine for Vanzetti; his defence at his murder trial was that he was selling eels when he was supposed to be shooting security guards. Human beings dont eat eels said the judge. Or that is the story as I heard it. situation sings musical comedy Fagin, and unlike Dickens Fagin he doesnt get hanged but skips off to new adventures with musical comedy Artful Dodger. At the moment I keep my head above water delivering advertising material, Junk Mail is such a hurtful term. It works out at about $4 an hour on a good day, and thats without exceeding Centrelinks income limits. It is legal because I am an independent contractor. A few months ago an old and good friend told me Delivering junk mail? Now you have officially hit rock bottom. Then he borrowed $20 off me. True story. Fact is, much as I hate to say it, the advertising material has sort of worked for me, the money roughly covers what I lost through the Julia Gillard pension cuts, and I have in fact become less unfit; Ive never been what youd call an athlete but when I started doing the catalogue run I was shocked to discover quite how unfit Id become. And of course I meet new people; youd be surprised how many people look forward to their catalogue delivery. But not a long term solution. Im reviewing the situation......anyway, just thought Id share. Meme is one of several twists on that annoying cliche about the fish.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 06:48:44 +0000

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