Industrial Wind is The Great American S-WIND-LE - Not Clean, Not - TopicsExpress


Industrial Wind is The Great American S-WIND-LE - Not Clean, Not Green, Not Free!: citizenpowerallianceblog.blogspot/2014/02/the-great-american-s-wind-le-not-clean.html ~ Industrial Wind turbines are being sold under the pretense that they will significantly reduce CO2 emissions, and thereby help avoid Global Warming. Yet, 30 years into subsidizing the building of wind factories off the backs of taxpayers and ratepayers has proven otherwise. ~ With approximately 250,000 industrial wind turbines installed worldwide today (45,100 turbines totaling over 60GW of installed wind projects in the USA, according to AWEA), CO2 emissions have NOT been significantly reduced, nor has a single conventional generation plant - including coal, been decommissioned thanks to industrial wind. (See: Wind Turbines Are Climate-Change Scarecrows, by Robert Bryce) ~ Due to the unreliable, erratic, and volatile nature of wind, industrial wind turbines need constant shadow capacity from our reliable, dispatchable generators - that is, if you want to be sure the lights will come on when you flick the switch. Thus, as Big Wind CEO, Patrick Jenevein candidly admitted, Consumers end up paying twice for the same product. ~ All things considered, including demand levels and import/exports - the more wind installations we add, the more we must add fossil-fueled generation. ~ The TRUTH: Wind generation locks us into dependence on fossil fuels. ~ Adding wind as a supplement to our conventional generating system requires so much supplementation that in many areas of the country, adding wind actually causes increased CO2 emissions in the production of electricity than would be the case with no wind at all. Iowa exemplifies this -- As Iowas installed wind capacity has increased over recent years, so has their coal use and CO2 emissions. ~ ONE (1) 450 MW Combined Cycle Generating Unit located at New York City (where the power is needed in New York State), would provide more power than all of New York States 16 installed wind factories combined, at 1/4 of the capital costs -- and would have significantly reduced CO2 emissions and created far more jobs than all those wind farms – without all the added costs (economic, environmental, and civil) of all the transmission lines that must be added across the state to New York City. ~ Industrial wind supplies electricity, and therefore, has nothing to do with our foreign oil dependence created by gasoline and diesel fuel needs. ~ 4,000 - 6,000 pounds of rare earth elements are required per turbine, producing disastrous ecological results in China, where the rare earth elements are being mined. ~ In many low-wind areas of the country (ie: New York State), Industrial Wind Turbines do NOT produce enough power to pay for themselves over their very short, 5 - 13 year lifespans. ~ The average output of many wind factories is less than 25% - many days, providing nothing at all. ~ Studies from those long-invested in wind power in Spain and elsewhere have shown that 2 - 4 jobs are LOST in the rest of the economy, in large part due to the associated necessarily skyrocketing” electricity rates President Obama forewarned would accompany his green energy policy. ~ Consider GEs Shepards Flat Wind Factory, at which each job created was shown to cost taxpayers $16.3 MILLION - exorbitantly expensive jobs for a product which is neither reliable, nor efficient - two professed requirements of the sustainability movement. ~ Wind technology has proven to be effective only as a tax shelter generator for large corporations in need of an increased bottom line - just as it was originally designed to do by ENRON, the trailblazer for industrial wind in the U.S. ~ Two of the largest wind holding corporations - GE and Florida Power & Light - have paid NO federal income taxes in the U.S. in years, in large measure because of their investment in wind. Read the entire summary at: citizenpowerallianceblog.blogspot/2014/02/the-great-american-s-wind-le-not-clean.html
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 17:26:51 +0000

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