Inexhaustibly Refreshed 2013 D. Beck Share this Devo on - TopicsExpress


Inexhaustibly Refreshed 2013 D. Beck Share this Devo on Facebook and Twitter: Is your soul suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome? Read today’s devotion. thelife/DailyDevotions/inexhaustibly-refreshed #LifeDevo “I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture.” John 10:9 Throughout Scripture Jesus is referred to as our Good Shepherd, the one that wants to lead and guide us and always provide for us. But what kind of sheep are you? Do you follow Him, keeping your eyes on Him, going where He goes, eating where He shows you to and resting when He tells you to? Or are you the stubborn sheep that thinks he knows better and instead ends up wandering, hungry and exhausted? Psalm 23:2 pictures God our shepherd: “He makes me lie down in green pastures.” What I have come to realize is that sometimes the reason I am so tired is because I fight and struggle. I think I know best, I worry and try to fix everyone and everything. Instead I need to follow the shepherd and lie down without Him having to keep His hand on my back forcing me to be still. His desire is to provide everything I need, including rest! But I need to listen, to stop what I’m doing and sit at His feet. When I focus on Him I will be refreshed beyond measure. He grows bigger and my cares and anxieties grow smaller. Heavenly Father, some days I am such a stubborn sheep. Help me instead to keep my eyes on You, the Good Shepherd, and willingly follow where You go and where You lead. Give me ears to hear your still small voice and a willing heart to sit and be still, to allow You to refresh me beyond measure. Amen. Take Action Who are you following today? Ask God to reveal to you where you are going your own independent way instead of His way and then give over control to Him. Take some time right now to sit down and be still so you can hear His voice and be refreshed.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 21:27:56 +0000

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