Infant formula made with fluoridated tap water causes dental - TopicsExpress


Infant formula made with fluoridated tap water causes dental fluorosis: Where are the warnings from Health Canada? Dental fluorosis occurs because infants ingest too much fluoride from birth to age three years when their bodies are small. Remember it is the TOTAL ingestion that places a child at risk. The sources are additive. Fluoride from one source might cause very mild fluorosis but when another source is added, not only does the prevalence (the percentage of kids with fluorosis) increase, so does the severity. Don’t let ANY public health person blame toothpaste alone. That’s like a doctor blaming lung cancer on a patient because he lives in a polluted city, while ignoring the fact that he’s a 2-pack-a-day smoker.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 17:48:29 +0000

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