Infection, Day 5: As per usual habit, this morning I was - TopicsExpress


Infection, Day 5: As per usual habit, this morning I was dormant. Typically, I did not see the point of hunting humans while weighed down by books, bags, coffee or the like. Therefore, I remained dormant. Even though I was well aware that my time was running out, I followed my habit of biding my time. Until the evening, things stayed calm. Truthfully, unless I was in the Horde, running like a wild pack of wolves, I liked it this way. Less chance of getting shot in the face. A couple of humans shot me, to be safe, but I barely paid them mind. I was traveling alone, and I work better in a team if Im on the offensive. Suddenly, I heard a whisper that was easily traced to being the Hive Mind. I had to go to the Wood Center, we were congregating. As we were briefed on the plans for the next hour or so, we were given hints of who to find. Immediately, I knew who we were looking for. As we all left the Wood Center, we split into a few groups. My group kept a slow jog going for a short while. We started meandering towards the flag circle, determined to find our flag. We then made our way down to the retired food place for the humans and NPCs. As we arrived, one of us detected movement from the right. In unison, our heads swiveled in that direction. There, in all white (bunny ears included), was our prey. A loud howl announced to those who had not noticed, and we charged. She took off running, but we shortly caught up to her. Once we had our human-flag, we made our way back to Constitution Park. We ran into other members of the Horde, announcing to them that we had caught our prey. So far, this mission was going well. Once at Constitution Park, most of our group dispersed, hunting for the humans human-flag. I stayed behind, to keep an eye on our own. I knew from the past that this one was a fan of meandering or running away if left unattended or immobile for too long. Myself and a few others stood guard. We saw a couple of humans who seemed unsuspecting of our mission. By this point, my vision was starting to go blurry. I stood and defended, knowing full well that I had less than an hour. There was no way that Id be able to take two out by myself, but I remained loyal to the cause, and guarded the flag. I remember vaguely seeing a cohort barreling in their direction. Just as the world was going foggy, and I was about to fall to my knees, a chunk of flesh plopped down in front of me. Human flesh. I slowly looked up at my cohort, who smiled, and told me to eat. Not wanting to disappoint, I dug in. In that moment, I did not remember ever tasting anything better. My hunger was sated. I was willing to stand and fight once more. After the mission was completed, neither the humans nor zombies achieving their goals (though we gained more for the Horde, so no complaints), I retreated to my room for a while. That had been cutting it close. A little too close for my tastes. A little later, I heard of another goal. Another mission, another cause to fight. This time, there was a witch to defend. First, we had to find him. I did not see any zombies in the Fortress, so I figured Id run out on my own and find the Horde later. Almost immediately, I ran into a group of my zombie brethren. Finding the witch did not take long. After we had found him, the numbers in our pack gradually increased. We soon had a very large group. So large, in fact, that the humans were afraid to come anywhere near us. We never really ran into any humans. Wed see some in the distance, but once they saw our sheer numbers theyd retreat to safety. This, of course, led to us having some fun. Whether it was sprinting across campus with the wind whistling past us, making faces at NPCs, or even an impromptu Congo line, we spent time having fun. We even momentarily howled at Stacey Krepel to come out and play, but she politely declined. She seemed to want to survive. Pity. As we returned to our homes, the humans not once attempting to take down the witch, no matter how much we flaunted him, I realized that we were becoming more of a family. We had each other to rely on, nothing else. As I retreated to my room after we designated our witch and our feeder, I dropped my access key to the building as well as human food. It hit the elevator floor, then almost in slow motion, cartwheeled through the air, and fell down the elevator shaft. I was on the 7th floor. I swore momentarily at my dumb luck, but still took pride in the hunt of the night. One small mistake wouldnt kill my upbeat mood. I knew then that my hunger and hunting would have to wait until morning, when I could get a replacement. This was going to be mildly annoying. Tomorrow, however, I felt I could stay out later to hunt. We would continue to increase the Horde. #UAFHvZ
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 06:52:48 +0000

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