Inflammation, a necessary pain. This normally alerts us to - TopicsExpress


Inflammation, a necessary pain. This normally alerts us to something that is wrong in the body. It is our immune system fighting for us. However, when you have it over 5 months and dont have a clue why,its time to turn to the basics. Food. I have spent all of my life active. The last 5 moths have seen a total stop to all of my activities. The only thing I seem to be capable of is, going to work by bus or car and standing around on nights out with glasses of gin in my hand. It has been frustrating, painful and at times completely soul destroying. Ive been to specialists, gotten an x-ray and even got bloods done. Nothing has shown up. Yet I know Im not making this pain up. My muscles ache cooking dinner! So, when I got my blood results today and nothing obvious was wrong I was forced to try think of another avenue to try find a cure. It would probably seem obvious that I would use food as a way of healing. I thought I was. Turns out there is far more to an anti inflammatory diet than I thought. So, for the next however long it takes I am going to stick to a diet which is sugar , grain, starch and processed food free. I will have to eat WAY more leafy greens. There are certain veg too that are healthy, but do aggravate inflammation due compounds called alkaloids - The nightshade family. This includes things like tomatoes, potatoes, all types of peppers, and eggplant. I will have to say goodbye to my daily coffee. This is what upsets me the most!I will have a matcha or a maccacino (maca, lucuma, cacao and bee pollen). The plan is two main meals a day and one green juice in the morning. The idea behind two meals is to allow more healing time. When we eat food we spark an inflammatory response. Mine seems to be over burdened right now so I am going to give it a hand. I am going to use the following supplements: Solgar 7 - blend of anti inflammatory herbs Nordic Omega 3 fish oil-twice a day. That is 2g of omegas. Anti inflammatory. Terra Nova B complex - normally found in whole grains (and leafys but I am leaving grains behind), helps to support energy metabolism and stress. Milk thistle tincture- support liver function and promote digestive wellness. Bio Kult pro biotics - boost immunity and support digestive health. I am a little unsure how a few months without tomatoes or aubergines will go but if I dont try I wont know. I will post all my anti inflammatory immune boosting recipes. Tomorrows first will be a whopping great big green juice!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 00:17:20 +0000

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