Information changes perception. Therefore, misinformation or the - TopicsExpress


Information changes perception. Therefore, misinformation or the lie taints perception. The question is not Can you handle the truth? but Will you handle the truth?. Some mean well but are unaware of the freeing truth. Thus the Willie Lynch syndrome continues to prevail. As a people, we ourselves perpetuate this perpetrated syndrome with the instituted misinformation and negative conditioning or brainwashing which continues to divide and conquer us. We defend the lie and promote it. You have an illusion of freedom because your slave master has let you run around in his house. Some know the truth but are terrorized (manipulated by organized intimidation or systematic coercion) or intimidated by death at the hands of the perpetrator of the lie or are satisfied with their false sense of freedom and frivolous benefits, just like certain secret society members which includes preachers also. All so-called false leaders must go. Who appointed them? They make you passive and docile. If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. Do you need permission to stand for the truth? and whose permission are you seeking? The devil (he who opposes God Yahweh) is the most subtle (slick, illusive, and unnoticed) beast of the field. Shocking but true: Jesus or Jehovah wont save you because they dont exist. Yes, some of your feathers are now ruffled by this piercing, quick and powerful truth. Your denial does not nullify this reality. Yes, your grandfather and grandmother lied to you. They were lied to, also. You must become truly informed if you are to become free from the lies. When that which is perfect is come, then that which is imperfect will be done away with. What is your resolve? Will you still speak and sound like you are intelligent? Will you be in denial? Will you still continue to dwell in the abyss or bottomless pit of mere information or trivia? That filth has no end. Will you still speculate, surmise, or deal in conjecture? Will you still pander to your false ego? Will you still not study to show yourself approved unto Yahweh? or research all the the facts about a thing, seek to understand its nature, and then apply the information for personal and collective benefit? Yes, this is work. No shortcuts. Faith entails work (mental or physical effort directed to an end, productive activity). Without such work, your faith is dead (null, ineffective, unproductive, barren, stagnant, dull, unresponsive, void, invalid). Talk no more exceedingly arrogant, for Yahweh is the God of knowledge. Stop patronizing the lie. Constructively (not destructively) deal with the burning and friction you now feel upon being presented with the truth. Go to work with faith. Success to you. Have fun. Learning is fun.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 13:31:11 +0000

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