Information-intelligence is part of the universe, science proves a - TopicsExpress


Information-intelligence is part of the universe, science proves a God of truth does exist, simply ! Could a lie last for eternity ? NO ! We all know $ is debt, print a $20 and the national debt goes up by $20 + %. How to pay back that debt ? Print $-debt Add the mathematically impossible growing economic model, a fantastic lie, and its a guaranteed suicide. We all still behave like if $ were truth, we base every decision on these impossible lies thus it is a religion ! The humanity problem is NOT environment or technology it is this (mathematically) impossible growing system in which lies pay, sabotage too and selfishness exists bringing exploitation, colonialism, wars etc. To create a job we now need sabotage something and often its another job. 95% of our work is useless, we thus work 20 times too much and work pollutes a lot more then living so we pollute 200 times for lies. In a decreasing economic system selfishness does NOT exist because I dont want to work, I want to help you get rid of a problem ASAP so I will pollute an absolute minimum and sell my pollution rights to live without working. Your interest is the same as mine but also fits with societys interests thus selfishness is out of the way. Sabotage doesnt pay either. Lying disappears as fast as wars. And the rich ? We dont need to arm them, its free choice because you will chose services and products that take less work (pollution) in order to fit your budget and sell your pollution rights. Standard of living would improve, we would work much less and pollute 200 less in a few years. They created the Kyoto agreements to sabotage them since the best way to reduce CO2 would be a PUBLIC pollution right stock exchange where we would THINK and bring such a system... and their goal is that we knee down and adore their god of lies and wars alias the satanic determinism which is visible in history and even more in 2014 news because lies need growth to protect lies. Science proves information is indestructible, thats why Stephen Hawking recently rejected his own black hole theory, simple basic logic also proves it... but information is eternal ONLY if it is TRUTH ! Lies come with sins, murders, wars, you name it, even inflation. They double in quantity and obviousness at fixed intervals so it is exponential, its aiming for infinity but can not reach it because truth is indestructible. It is a suicide too. Hope ? If info is eternal so is intelligence thus death is only for our carbon prisons (6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons). FREE information as infinite speed, thus its all over the universe at the same time like time the recognized 4th dimension, thus immaterial info-truth-intelligence has all the properties of a dimension. Communication slows down the transmission of information, light speed is not infinite speed, matter slows it down a lot more. Anyway if truth-intelligence is eternal it means that lies are fragile and temporary so it fits the suicide of this determinism. Do you see that information-truth-intelligence is part of the universe ? Scientists say info is, quantum mechanics too proves it. Here is another FASCINATING experiment that anyone can understand without any scientific knowledge, you MUST watch it TEST the logic by asking yourself a few questions and try to find truth ... if ever you have confused dont be shy and ask me questions, I only believe in truth ! https://youtube/watch?v=fwXQjRBLwsQ I dont need a f*****g Bible to prove that this universal truth-intelligence is equivalent to the God of truth, I just align proven scientific FACTS. We are part of the universe and believing in your own intelligence is thus believing in a small part of God, right ? Using our intelligence to TRY (not even succeed) to find truth is believing in truth alias God. Refusing to think is rejecting it... which makes your intelligence automatically available for lies to lure others in believing in the opposite, the great inverter ! even if you dont notice it ! FEAR = believing in lies. Fearing truth is impossible, non-sense... we fear the APPARENT (or virtual) power of lies when we understand one. The power of lies comes from believing in them ! In other words the only power of lies are lies . The only danger comes from those who believe in it, including our-selves. How can we protect ourselves ? By communicating indestructible TRUTH to help others ! The f*****g Vatican use to say ex-communiate now says ex-communicate, you understand why now ? ... Note that censure is a form of lie, uncertainty creates fear, uncertainty is a quantum mechanic key concept and it is proven by that video (simplifying a real experiment) : measuring is verifying truth, searching for truth, the communication of that information changes the electron behavior and because of that fantastic property scientists changed the definition of interference to uncertainty... this also fits a religious (I hate that word because religions are lying !) point of view... lies interfere so does censuring Web = virtual world where the term virtual came from the optical physics language, a virtual image inverts the sense (and direction) of everything. The web is an illusion war machine designed by DARPA alias Pentagon... a Zion pawn ! Now all HW, SW, FW, OS, processors, telecoms, routers, processors are designed by Zionist pawns too. Latest Intel processors were designed in Haïfa very close to Megiddo, on road 66, in Israël... not far from ISIS controlled Golan Heights on the frontier with Syria . So it really looks like the web is trying to unite all semi-conductor intelligences against truth to create Hell on earth ! Lies do NOT deserve any respect. The only guys pretending that communicating all truth is not always good are liars. Only liars fear truth ! Note that refusing to think to try to find truth = censuring our-selves = lying to our-selves ... even if we dont notice it. TEST what I explained here ! I have been testing it for 2+ years, trying to prove it wrong and could never do anything else then to prove it true ! It doesnt contradict anything, can explain everything by simplifying anything. So what else then scientific TRUTH can it be ? Does randomness or chance exist ? NO ! The mathematical probability theory is based on 2 hypothesis : Randomness exist and events are not related or linked. None of these 2 were ever proven... and in fact many scientific domains are really twisted to fit these 2 lies, including communication theory ! Many theories contradict them. In real life random number generators dont work, they repeat a more or less long sequence. Encryption based on randomness NEVER resist decryption. Anyway if truth is indestructible then perfect encryption is impossible. Human history proves that the satanic determinism does exist, including the Bible written by the synagogue of Satan who adore their God of War and thus lies ! I have a text talking about randomness in sciences here on my FB page. https://youtube/watch?v=fwXQjRBLwsQ
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 14:28:57 +0000

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