Informative article! What I Wish Parents Knew School - TopicsExpress


Informative article! What I Wish Parents Knew School Nurses & Teachers deal with children all day, every day—and they have news . Here, wise tips from the pros. Doctors, Dentists, and School Nurses Say: Slather em in sunscreen: Eighty percent of sun damage occurs before the age of 18, says Jody Levine, a pediatric dermatologist in New York City. Later in life, it shows up as wrinkles and skin cancer. Apply sunscreen during your morning routine. It doesnt have to be sunny for people to wear sunscreen, as damaging rays are always shining, even through window glass, she says. Go low-carb in the morning: Make kids eat a real breakfast, not a sweet breakfast. The simple carbohydrates in doughnuts, strudels, and juice enter the bloodstream quickly, giving them a short burst of energy but leaving them groggy by 9 A.M. School nurses see so many stomachaches in the health office mid-morning, and the majority of kids are just hungry. Ideally, children should get protein (like a scrambled egg) and some fat (at least 2 percent milk) to keep them full until lunch. Dont share all the gory details: When it comes to possibly unpleasant situations, like getting a shot or pulling a tooth, give children only as much information as they can handle, says Hope Zimmerman Waxman, a pediatric dentist in New York City. Kids get anxious when you present too much detail. We might say, You have to come back to wash a tooth or, of a shot, Its like a mosquito bite. A mild fever is no reason to panic: Parents have fever phobia, where they look at a number, not at the child, says Stephanie Freilich, a pediatrician in New York City. If your child is older than two months, a low fever in and of itself is not dangerous. Its the bodys way of fighting something. (For children under two months, consult your doctor, because different rules apply.) There is no need to rush to the ER when the mercury inches above 98.6. But you should be concerned if your child also has severe diarrhea, is vomiting, or appears lethargic. Dont offer a kids menu at home: The child needs to adapt to the parents, not vice versa, says Peter Waldstein, a pediatrician in Beverly Hills. Parents say to me, I make dinner and little Johnny doesnt eat it, so I make him a grilled cheese. I guarantee if you dont make the grilled cheese, hell eat dinner. Every child has an appetite.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 18:36:43 +0000

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