Ingredients To make this Calzoni - Vegetarian Folded Pizza - TopicsExpress


Ingredients To make this Calzoni - Vegetarian Folded Pizza Recipeyou will need the following ingredients: Calzoni dough - 450g/ 1lb/ 16 oz strong flour (or plain) -sifted 1 x 6/7g sachets dried yeast 1 tablespoons olive oil 1 tablespoon honey 300 ml/ 10 fl oz luke warm water Tomato Sauce - 1 tin plum tomatoes 1 tin water (filled from above tin) 2 cloves garlic - crushed 1 large onion - chopped 2 sticks celery - chopped 1 red pepper - diced 2 tablespoon tomato puree seasoning Fillings - 1 red onion - sliced 2 plum tomatoes - sliced 1/2 red pepper - sliced 1 buffalo mozzarella ball - sliced 4 button mushrooms - sliced 60g / 2 oz grated cheese (any) Methods To make this Calzoni - Vegetarian Folded Pizza Recipe Stage One - . Place all the dry ingredients (except water) in a large bowl Add the warm water - use 100 ml of fresh boiled water and top with 200 ml of water from the cold tap to get the right temperature Mix by hand or with a fork to form a dough Knead for 10 minutes . Leave in a bowl covered with a damp towel somewhere warm to prove (rise and double in size) - like an airing cupboard or on a high shelf above an oven (approx. 40 minutes) (Take this time to make the tomato sauce) Knock back and knead again for 2 - 3 minutes . Divide in to 4 -6 balls and roll out each one on a floured board to make a circle the size of a small main dinner plate Stage Two - . Place all the ingredients for the tomato sauce except the puree and the herbs in a large saucepan Bring to the boil and then simmer for 25- 30 minutes Blend till smooth Stir in the puree and herbs (op) Taste and correct the seasoning (this will make more than you need but will keep in the fridge for a week or freeze for 3 months) Stage Three - Prepare the ingredients for the filling - But basically you can use anything you like - try courgettes, cooked aubergines, asparagus, nuts, beans, vegetable chilli, artichoke, cactus, broccoli florets, chilli peppers, wild mushrooms etc Stage Four - Assembly Spoon 2 tablespoons of tomato puree in the middle of each Calzoni dough circle Sprinkle on your filling Fold over the pizza to form a semi circle Push down the sides to seal Drizzle with olive oil Top with a little grated cheese (op) Place on a greased tray and place in a preheated oven gas 6 - 7/ 210-220*c / 425-450*f on a middle shelf for 15 minutes or until golden and the base firm
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 09:37:55 +0000

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