Ingredients for a happy home Leave: to leave doesnt mean to cut - TopicsExpress


Ingredients for a happy home Leave: to leave doesnt mean to cut off all ties; it means to secure your independence from your household of origin. Many people are married but they are still daddys girl or mummys boy. In leaving, you form a new family unit and not an extension of someones family. Cleave: You must stick with your spouse at all times. You must make up your mind to stand with him or her when the going gets rough. Many women are married but they still retain their room in daddys house. Many women, as a result of stories of abuse from men and ungodly counsel, have resorted to building their fathers house instead of building with their husband. Many lie and steal from their husband for their fathers house. Many married men have acquired properties in the name of their siblings instead of their wife. You dont trust her to keep everything you have; you believe she will transfer it to another man once you are gone; negative stories you hear have made you do things the wrong way. Why do you eat from a woman you dont trust? Why do you go to bed at night with a man you dont trust? Marriage is a beautiful union where stupidity is sometimes required. If you want to be too smart, you may never enjoy your home. Be physically intimate: Whats the level of your intimacy with your spouse? Does your body truly belong to him/her? When was the last time you hugged each other? When was the last time you looked into the eyes of your wife to tell her how much she means to you? I keep saying this: your marriage grows old, not because of the number of years, it begins to grow old the very day you stop dating and courting your spouse. Never let that fire of love and intimacy die down. Dont allow children, Gods blessings to keep you from enjoying the love God has given you. You should have a weekend with your spouse, at least once every month, away from the kids. Stop seeing him as Papa Nkechi; never see her as Mama Ngozi, she should remain your baby girl and he should be your lover boy. Become transparent: Ours is a generation where live is professed among married couples with nothing to show for it. Is that person truly a part of your life? You cannot tell me you are one with your spouse when he or she doesnt know what you own. You cannot be one with someone who doesnt know how much you earn? You cannot be one with that person and hide your bank and property details away from him or her. True love is about transparency. Many act married but the truth is that they are just cohabiting with each other. They are just two good actors under one roof. Be careful who you choose as model for your marriage. I am one with my husband and he must know whatever I own and whatever I do because when push comes to shove, thats the same person who would go through it with me. Never hide things from your spouse. If you have a reason to not be transparent with him or her, discuss it and if you are the type that cannot trust your spouse because of mistakes of another (your ex or a friends spouse), you have no business being in that marriage with that person. Fulfill your responsibilities: Husbands, love; wives, submit. You cannot love your wife without providing. Mind you; in providing, you dont have to go beyond your limit just to please her and this is why you should be transparent. Many wives ask for more than you can afford because you keep them in the dark. They hear you talk millions daily without knowing how the transactions take place. She sees you leave for work everyday and because she doesnt even know how much you earn, she expects you to break the bank vault for her. You should make your wife a part of your business and source of income. Women are not too difficult of you truly understand them. Madam, you cannot keep shouting I love my husband when you dont know what submission is. You get upset each time that word is mentioned. If the mention of that word offends you, please dont ask to be loved by your man. There is no better way to show love to your husband than through submission, Gods own way. Its easier for a man to be a man when his wife honors him. If you want him to see the queen in you, please bring out the king in him. Dont make him to lose his manhood simply because he is married to you. Sir, dont make her lose the spark in her eyes just because shes married to a dictator. If you want to know how happy and fulfilled a woman is, look into her eyes. And sir; dont let another man do that for you look into her eyes daily and assure her of your undying love for her. Women need words, sweet words to thrive. For a man to get the heart and attention of a woman, there is something he says that no other person says to her. Be the man for her; be the woman for him. ...No time to edit, my husband needs my attention and so you should do the editing as you read...LOL
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 13:02:13 +0000

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