Initially The National Academy of Security and Defence Planning - TopicsExpress


Initially The National Academy of Security and Defence Planning (NASDP) was conceived as a mere training centre and mainly a private enterprise. It was as a supplier of defence and safety solutions, and also as a facility with a ongoing professional mentoring of security professionals to work with state-owned industry and commerce in Romania. The centre was established by the beginning of 2011 courtesy of a team of experts knowledgeable in Euro-Atlantic issues, as stand alone, informal group. Endowing own legal status in November 2013, further bolstered the local and regional staffing in need on law enforcement where private security issues are involved. Things developed however and here we are today, able to provide both Romanian and foreign milieu, risk assessment solutions, prevention almost any unthinkable problem like: - Solutions, configuration patterns and ways fight the effects of natural disasters, against some calamities or menaces or hostile actions, - Security studies and research in most fields of the modern society´s needs of upgradable and sustainable safety solutions. All the NASDP activities are based on the seven principles: Abiding by the Romanian Constitution and legislation, the principles of integrity, governing , excellence, dignity, team work and innovation. NASDP operates in the intelligence and security range: identification, evaluation, research, prognosis, recruitment, professional training and active protection. Basically NASDP is to be taken as as a Centre in the security field designed in observance of the applicable international profile standards, which develops procedures meant to prevent and fight any form of violence (international terrorism, inter-state criminal activities, social turmoil, etc.) but also the development of those mechanisms favouring an encapsulation of those necessary elements at the society level where information handling is concerned and the logistic of the collective defence, approached, of course, from the angle of the integrated security, as a systematic concept. NASDPs CEO is Mr Silviu Crăescu has worked at the US embassy Romania and is ver well trained and experienced in the field of both norm al security as well as diplomatic security and intelligence. Mr Craescu has some of the finest CVs we have seen when it comes to Homeland Security and both European and US security. Mr Silviu Crăescu is a charismatic born leader who is outwardly open to the world with a confidence and very deep knowledge to prove it at any given forum or occasion. Leaders are few and are born but bosses come and go. Thats something that a Wall-street venture capitalist once told me and in this case its more than true. NASDP has the required knowhow and resources necessary in order to be able to provide advisory and critical assistance clients, including hands-on training for remote security coverage in hostile environment, such as Afghanistan and Iraq. NASDP rates itself as the only provider of lowering risk solutions in an asymmetric matrix of locally developing threats, or even at regional and/or global scale. On a daily basis the Academy supply first class info and education on the entire scope of private security and naturally the military industry, of the governs institutions. The Research and Studies Centre on Public Security: The Centre is a professional educational and scientific research as well with topics like: - private rights. - non profit. - organization and management of the national defence and intelligence institutions. - the role and the policy concerning the intelligence institutions in the government. - comparative studies of the intelligence institutions and formation concepts. - security awareness culture, analytic intelligence and methodology, the intelligence agencies and the cybernetic security. - professionalisation information, standards and doctrine, the strategic management, the emergency situations regime. - Defence organizations. The theory of decision, the general theory of information, the resources of the defence. - Intellectual capital, the society: Knowledge, the anticorruption combat. The security milieu.and Management of information. - Asymmetric threats, geopolitical and geo-strategic studies etc. The Centre is co-ordinated by its scientific director Mr. Sebastian Sarbu, researcher, attorney at law. Mr Sebastian Sarbu´s CV in brief tells us that we here have man who knows the law and is ready to go in-depth no matter what place or territory. Mr Sarbu will be able to map any given area both legally and also give a in depth analysis from any given view, which makes him a most valuable asset evaluator. The NASDP vision and mission: The NASDP is keeping a strike eye on objectivity which in turn creates credibility. NASDP manage to hold itself as a centre acting independent from any governmental NGO organism. The Academy keeps a strict rule to not have any political strings to anyone or any org. NASDP teaches Culture as a endemic part of observations but not something the student or client will hear about beyond that. With such words one can easily spot that NASDP is a truly international and not continental service, this is as well very rare. The NASDP is always seeking co-operation with similar organizations, as well as with the international security / defence industry. No limits is the motto which takes NASDP beyond the corporate sphere and for long has reached to co-operate with the academic milieu as well as governmental institutions. The NASDP acknowledges the paramount importance of the on conferences and international defence and close protection forums. Any International security related matter in need of a the ultimate dot over the i will be able to get even sustainable solutions served. NASDP knows to help you act on new territories like the using bi-lateral initiatives, activities and affiliations. This is a very rarely used by any private Security and usually only seen by governments The NASDP is trying to create at an international academic milieu to promote information exchange, innovative thinking and analytical developments. Further more the NASDP is serving the governmental departments and agencies, the governmental organizations with law enforcing, European and NATO allied, corporative and stand alone clients around the world. And last but not at least the the birthplace and home of NASDP is Romania.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 05:22:54 +0000

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