Initiating scenario 20. Welcome to the The 13th Penal Legion, - TopicsExpress


Initiating scenario 20. Welcome to the The 13th Penal Legion, also known as the Last Chancers. You have just arrived on An ancient industrial port, on the planet of: Pillar. The last form of human life to exist on this planet was about the time of the age of strife. The port was fusing with the planets environment; becoming one with it echo system. Roots large and small serpentined all over the old structures. This place was a ghost town. Colonel Schaeffer, had plucked you and 11 other convicts, including 2 women, to land on this miserable dark clouded planet; too siege this dilapidated old industrial factory. For reason unspecified. When the hatch of the Valkyrie swung down. A gust of wind carrying a rotten water smell, that and - the metallic odour that lingers just before its starts to rain - investigated the inside of the Valkyrie and its crew. Colonel Spinner (Schaeffers replacement) orders you into a defensive position outside around the ship. As he steps off you remember seeing Spinner coughing and wheezing all this morning before the drop. Even though the Colonel did his best to hide it. Now as he stumbles down off the Valkyries platform. Spinners fatigue is really starting to show. None of your fellow prisoners would try and stop you. That is... If you were to overpower the general and take the pilot of the Valkyrie hostage. Your eyes are still over your shoulder, trained on the Colonel; when you hear prisoner Ulu shout I see something!. You turn to see 3 Necron: Canoptek Wraiths, writhing through the old steel pipes and scaffolding towards your position. Gargled shrieks echo all around the old factory. You aim down with your Lascarbine, as: Jynzon Alcoy (a serial arsonist) tossed a Krak grenade towards the monsters. A few more grenades and rifles discharged slowed the closest 2 Wraiths down. colonel Spinner pulls up right next to you. Shouting orders and firing his Laspistol at the enemies. You glance back at the Valkyrie as it begins to heat up its thrusters. Then back to the enemy. Through the old machines you hear a loud melodic clicking. Like metal tap shoes on concrete. Then, out of the shadows emerges a: Triarch Stalker, followed by some Warriors. The green glow of these cybernetic monstrosities lights up all the darkness in the giant manufractorum. Now is your chance. Do you stay and fight the Necrons. Facing undeniable extinction?. Or. Do you knock out the Colonel, board the ship and see how far you can make it?. - Servo Skull Alpha
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 03:06:40 +0000

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