Injuries are our greatest masters. I have sustained many - TopicsExpress


Injuries are our greatest masters. I have sustained many injuries running, in yoga, torn hamstrings, pulled intercostal muscles, knees pain, lower back etc. Now cross-training, strength and conditioning using equipment, I have sustained my first injury in this modality doing box jumps. I was not doing CrossFit or a high intensity workout; I was actually taking it easy. I did 2 squat sets of 8 reps at 205lb, then 2 set of deadlifts of 6-8 reps at 225lbs. Then I proceeded to the 30”tall box jumps. I remember grabbing the 24”tall box to start, then felt that was too easy “EGO”, mistake no 1. I was jumping down from the box, technique mistake no 2. step down, dont jump down. At box jump number 11, my foot slipped, shin hit the edge of the box and 11 stitches later... As soon as I notice the opening on my shin and the severity of the wound, I immediately started to breathe deep, here’s where the pranayama (breathing practice) comes in handy. Now that I was relaxed I was able to asses the situation with ease, I opened the wound and saw blood and white fat, there was a bit of pain in the area, but my breath traveled faster and was louder than the pain itself. Choosing to suffer is an option, choosing to breath and relax and make the best out of the situation is also an option, besides the worst that could happen was actually happening. The world keeps turning, as I looked at my watch, 4pm, I calculate by the time I got cleaned up and stitched up, I had plenty of time to teach my 7:45pm at Dharma, to work on heart openers, twists and hips. I proceeded to clean the cut with the help of my buddy and trainer Eli and Luis, crew at Equinox helped out and walked me to my car. I drove to Miami Urgent Care where Many and his assistant Jenny stitched me, they worked on me for about 45 min., and since they were hunched over the entire time, we did some standing backbends, chest and shoulder stretches. Everyone there was great and very personable, I invited them all to yoga. Ganesh is FRESH indeed; always know that the greatest obstacles are placed on our path for a greater good for all humanity. I was meant to be still for 4 hours in the sacred space or aka clinic, where I was meant to be breathing and celebrating my body with gratitude and joy, I was meant to share this special moment with great healers aka medics and nurses, that love what they do. Tips and Techniques for movement Mindfulness – pay attention to your actions and your movement. With Box Jumps, Yoga, Running, or simply walking, accuracy is crucial. You know you are not being mindful when your miss surprises you. Be present and focused at all times and be extra focused the deeper you go into whatever you are doing. Be fully aware of how you are landing on the box and on the ground. Perform with optimal form, alignment and mindfulness. Ego – listen to your gut, slow down the pace by taking short rests to ensure the quality of movement, this gives you the capacity to ensure space for safety. Being honest with ourselves is the most important quality to learn and practice, if the answer is “no”, then stop and asses, scale down and do less.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 18:08:06 +0000

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