Inlays and Onlays Inlays and onlays from our Houston inlays - TopicsExpress


Inlays and Onlays Inlays and onlays from our Houston inlays expert are restorative treatments that can be used for repair of molars damaged by decay or physical trauma. In many cases, these options are used for teeth that might be further compromised if traditional fillings were used. Both inlays and onlays involve placement of preformed composites or other substances into treated teeth, but they differ in terms of their size and the extent of their applications. Inlays are smaller than onlays and are used to restore damage within the cusps of the chewing surfaces of molars. By contrast, onlays are larger and are used for damage that reaches the edges of molars. In fact, onlays from our Houston onlays expert cover the chewing surface and are one step below full crowns. Although inlays and onlays may be made of gold or other metals for durability in back teeth, they can also be made of composites or porcelain to provide the best aesthetic results in teeth that are more visible. Inlays Houston Inlays and onlays are both potentially better-looking alternatives to amalgam fillings or metal crowns, and their durability supports tooth strength better and allows restorations to last longer than alternatives. Unlike traditional metal fillings, inlays and onlays from our expert in inlays in Houston do not expand and contract and will not place tooth structure at risk as a result. Onlays Houston Inlays and onlays may be placed in multiple appointments depending on the extent of treatment and individual factors. At first, our expert in onlays in Houston removes the damaged portions of the teeth and makes impressions to be used in construction of the inlays or onlays. Subsequently, our dentist places the inlays or onlays in the teeth and cements them in place before polishing them to a smooth finish. With proper care, including daily brushing and flossing and regular visits to our dentist for check-ups, inlays and onlays can last for one to two decades. A consultation with our dentist in Houston can be scheduled to learn more about these treatments and the value they hold for specific types of damage. antoinedental/inlays-onlays-houston.htm
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 19:44:42 +0000

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