Inner Court Ministry and Inner Court Salvation Of The Church!!! - TopicsExpress


Inner Court Ministry and Inner Court Salvation Of The Church!!! Pt.1 As we look we can see our bodies are a type of the tabernacle of Moses. Now we will move from the outer court ministry and salvation to the inner court where the Menorah or Candlestick was located and the table of Shewbread and the Golden Altar. To enter into the inner court you had to be a inner court priest not a outer. The difference in the inner court and the outer court priest is that the outer dealt with sacrifices and cleansing where the inner court priest ministered unto the Lord and not the people in general. Before you could enter into the inner court there where five pillars with a veil in front. You had to go by the five pillars then beyond the veil in order to enter into the enter court. Now before we go into the enter court lets find out what the pillars and the veil means first. The five pillars standing tall and erect was a foreshadowing of the five fold ministry. Once we repent and give our lives to the Lord there must have been a Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, or Teacher that led you to Christ. One of these ministries brought salvation to you and that is why the five fold is necessary in the church because it is the pillars( the legs) that help the upper body to stand just like your natural legs (pillars) help your to stand. There has to be a ministry sent to you or you led to one in order for you to give your life to Christ. If you have watched ministry on television then you still came in through a pastoral ministry or a teacher ministry to give your life to God. So there has to be a five fold minister that can take you behind the veil of your natural mind in order for us to understand Gods majestic character. We cannot get beyond the veil of our fleshly thinking or carnal thinking without one of the five fold ministries. The veil typified the thin layer of our carnal thinking and the mind of Christ. There is a veil between the carnal mind and the mind of Christ even today. That is why Romans chapter 8 deals with the mind of the flesh verses the mind of the spirit. We vacillate back and forth or never know what it is to be spiritually minded not religious minded which is also carnal thinking.. This is why people can set in church most of their lives and never come into the knowledge of God or take on the divine characteristics of Christ. The five fold minister must know how to minister unto the Lord for if he or she does not then he or she cannot take others behind the veil of their carnal thinking and reasoning. The veil represents the life and thoughts of the carnal mind. If the priest cannot enter into the presence of the Lord then how can he or she take the people into Gods presence. God has an order in which salvation is obtained and you or I cannot change that order with bylaws and doctrines of religion. First Jesus has to be lifted up in order for men to be drawn. And if I be lifted up from the earth I will draw all men unto me John 12:32. This scripture has been so misinterpreted until it has no effect in the earth with some people. Jesus was not talking about lifting Him up in praise and worship alone but He was talking about being nailed on the cross laying down and then the cross with Him on it being lifted up for all to behold the Lamb that was being slain. He was also talking about His resurrection being lifted up from the appearance of death for Jesus did not die but give up His spirit in the hands of His Father. So preachers thinking that their preaching and hacking and their tuning which is performance based is drawing people that is a lie it is the Son of God who draws men to Christ. Tuning and hacking is somewhat singing and preaching all at the same time arousing the audience flesh and then the audience leave living the same lifestyle with no change in their mind. If anyone is not familiar with the word tuning it is what some African American preachers do. You will find this type of arousing in many African American baptist churches. The enemy wants us to believe we have something to do with men being drawn to Christ when we are the vessels in which God intervenes in the lives of others but we do not have the power to draw anyone because we did not die for humanity the Son Of God did. When you find certain ministers doing the hacking and the tuning type preaching it is because they think entertaining is the anointing and do not realize entertainment is of the world and not the anointing. Churches are full of entertainers instead of the anointing. A minister of any kind must know how to minister unto the Lord so he himself can receive bread, light, and a prayer life. Bread (The Father) for He is the nourishment not just for us but for all living things in heaven and earth. Light which typifies Christ giving us revelation of the oneness of Him and the Father and Holy Spirit who continually teaches us how and what to pray for as well as intercedes for us.. Until we get a revelation of bread, light and prayer we cannot show others how to minister unto God as priest. So entering into the inner court is about learning how to eat the shewbread which is the word of God. Learning about personal revelation concerning Gods character in our lives and prayer which is incense going up before the throne of God. How many of us know how to feed ourselves in the word without setting under a preacher all the time? How many of us know how to hear and get revelation from God without sitting under a preacher all the time? How many of us know how to pray and intercede for others? It is all left up to the women in church to pray while men dominate and rule it. Where are the men that are suppose to demonstrate prayer and intercession to the people as priest. How can we lead anybody without prayer in our lives? Do you know where the spirit of God is there is liberty? A woman can stand on the side of the pulpit and down in front of the pulpit but not in it. So let us get this straight the Holy Spirit lives in me and in the man but the Holy Spirit in the man is to dominate the Holy Spirit in me. So the Holy Spirit is dominating its own self by gender? How is the Holy Spirit male and female? Was not woman pulled out of man even as the church was pulled out of the side of Christ? Did not Jesus say to Nicodemus that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit? John 3:6 Does not the bible say out of His side came blood and water? Salvation and Baptism? Is not a child naturally born of blood and water? Same concept but one is of the flesh and the other is of the spirit. Eve was taken out of the side of Adam which typified Christ and the woman the Church coming out of is side. So if woman was pulled out and the church is considered a female how are the men running the church? Is not the church a bride? Is not Christ the bridegroom? Then how is man dominating something Christ is the head of. Women hear me and hear me good if you are in a church that does not recognize you as equal in Christ run, run, and then run. You are being held captive Jesus put His spirit in your body for you to go to the world with it. Paul taught us that we are King, Priest, Ministers, friends and Sons unto Christ not Kings and Queens unto Christ. There is no queen in the Kingdom of God only Sons, Kings, and Priest. Now before some of you men get angry and start saying I am male bashing I understand that leadership is important. But that is the problem there is a difference in leadership and domination. If some men are being leaders in the church why are they not intercessory praying with the women instead of just the women. Where is the leadership in prayer and the example of Christ in that? Jesus prayed in front of his disciples and asked them to pray with Him so why are men in the Church trying to climb up some other way than the way of Christ? Is that not a ANTI-CHRIST SPIRIT? Jesus taught his men to pray and to include others..Who are you to change that order and example? Where is the night for men to gather together and pray or why do the men and women in the church have to be separate and subject unto the man? What happen to all being subject unto Christ as His bride male and female. Does Christ himself treat the men like the men treat the women? Or is not the man instructed to treat the woman as Christ treats the church as a whole? Is not God no respecter of person? Then why is there a respecter of persons in the church concerning women, and children and separating them from the mens ministry. Division in God;s own house and if a house is divided how can it stand. Are not both men and women priest? who have the same ability to minister to God in prayer, revelation, and the breaking of bread? The inner court typifies our soulish realm our inner man where the spirit of God resides is the soul just as the outer court typifies the natural and the works of the flesh in ministry and salvation. The soul is hid from prying eyes and only God himself can see on the inside of humanity. The inner court was hid from prying eyes and only the inner court priest was allowed the privilege of bread, light and prayer. Our internal being is all about becoming a priest. This is why the spirit comes to live on the inside to bring light and the word unto the soul of humanity. I pray we quit playing church and allow the spirit that is in us to prayer for us and through us in Jesus name, so the light that is one the inside can shine out of us and bring true salvation, revelation and understanding to mankind and populate this world with Christ himself... Copyright © 2014 Jackie Roberson
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 12:01:43 +0000

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