Inner conflict occurs when there are 2 opposing beliefs vying to - TopicsExpress


Inner conflict occurs when there are 2 opposing beliefs vying to occupy the same space in the mind. Just as you cannot stand in the exact same space as another without there being some kind of conflict, the same is true in our mind. The reason we do not recognize this is because we value opposing beliefs. Because we value opposing beliefs, we do not know how to make a choice that would allow us to end the conflict once and for all. All conflicting choices originate from a decision that was made in the past. Any decision that was made in the past that does not honor our emotional integrity introduces fear into the mind/body experience. Body fear is a disorganized body message that calls for some kind of a reaction to an external situation. Generally, this is a fight or flight reaction, but the fight or flight reaction in itself is a conflict, as it requires one to make a choice to run and hide, or stand and fight. The Miracle Response is a new way of making a better choice. The Miracle Response does not call on body fear for this choice. Instead it asks us to reach beyond the body into time, where the miracle resides. Miracles work in time. Fear works at the body level. Rising above the conflict to make this choice is something we have not been taught. For this reason, it must be learned. One of the purposes of The Miracle Response is to offer the people a way to Respond with a Miracle instead of with fear. We are in the process of creating product investments that will begin this learning process. Stay tuned. Bobbi Friday
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 13:47:24 +0000

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