“Inner strength is just a decision away.” You probably can - TopicsExpress


“Inner strength is just a decision away.” You probably can think of someone whom you admire and respect. Perhaps you admire their ambition to learn new skills. Maybe it is their perseverance to overcome difficulties and hardships. Why can’t that person be you? It can and the key is willpower and self-discipline. You have it in you even if you refuse to believe it. Each one of us is confronted and tempted by an endless stream of temptations; many of which aren’t that important. When you learn to refuse to satisfy all of them, and choose only to satisfy those that are in line with your priorities and values, your willpower and self-discipline become impenetrable. Try it, you’ll quickly become the one to admire! ©Jane Powell Every Problem Has a Gift Writer Richard Bach says, “Every problem has a gift for you in its hands.” I dont always see that gift, I admit. But I remember reading about Glenn Cunningham when I was a child. His life bore the truth of it...every problem indeed has a gift for you. The trick is learning to find it. In 1916 young Glenn and his brother Floyd were involved in a tragic accident. Their schools pot- bellied stove exploded when the boys struck a match to light it. Somebody had mistakenly filled the can with gasoline instead of kerosene. Both boys were severely burned and had to be dragged from the schoolhouse. Floyd died of his injuries and doctors predicted that Glenn would be permanently crippled. Flesh and muscles were seared from both of Glenns legs. His toes were burned off of his left foot and the foots transverse arch was destroyed. Their local doctor recommended amputation of both legs and predicted that Glenn would never walk again. He told the boys mother that it may have been better had he died. Glenn overheard the remark and decided that day that he WAS going to walk, no matter what. But he couldnt climb from a wheelchair for two years. Then one day he grasped the white wooden pickets of the fence surrounding his home and pulled himself up to his feet. Painfully he stepped, hanging onto the fence. He made his way along the fence, back and forth. He did this the next day and next – every day for weeks. He wore a path along the fence shuffling sideways. But muscles began to knit and grow in his scarred legs and feet. When Glenn could finally walk he decided he would do something else nobody ever expected him to do again – he would learn to run. “It hurt like thunder to walk,” Glenn later said, “but it didnt hurt at all when I ran. So for five or six years, about all I did was run.” At first it looked more like hopping than running. But Glenn ran everywhere he could. He ran around the home. He ran as he did his chores. He ran to and from school (about two miles each way). He never walked when he could run. And after his legs strengthened he continued to run, not because he had to, but now because he wanted to. If there was a gift in the tragic accident, it was that if forced Glenn to run. And run he did. He competed as a runner in high school and college. Then Glenn went on to compete in the 1932 and 1936 Olympics. He set world records for the mile run in 1934 and 1938. By the time he retired from competition, Glenn amassed a mountain of records and awards. “Every problem has a gift for you in its hands.” And if not every problem, then just about every one. Even spectacular sunsets are not possible without cloudy skies. Troubles bring a gift for those who choose to look. And since I cant avoid my problems, why waste them? I should look for the gift. My life will be far, far richer for finding it. Steve Goodier Everything to be You have nothing to prove and everything to be. What matters is the truth of who you are, not the way you appear to others. In that pure, uncorrupted truth is an endless reservoir of real value. In that truth is beauty, goodness, love and fulfillment beyond everything you have ever thought to seek. Give the honest truth of yourself, and you have no reason to strive or worry about making a good impression. Give the authentic truth of yourself, for it is the most loving, compassionate, uplifting and enabling thing you can do. You do not have to strive against your own thoughts of limitation. Allow your unique beauty to continually unfold, and experience the power of how good and right it feels. You do not have to be held captive by the thoughts or actions of others, or even by your perceptions of those thoughts and actions. You can allow yourself to be, positive and whole and fulfilled, now and always. You have everything to be. Feel the miracle of your existence, and fill the world with joy. Ralph Marston Dear Readers, Morning Coffee is a labor of love and meant to be shared with others to spread encouragement and inspiration. If you share, please be kind and give credit where credit is due and copy and paste or forward with Page Header and contact information included. Thank you , Morning Coffee Created, and maintained by: Dizzyrizzy2U@aolGrandmaGail2BC@aol Copyright © 1996 -2014 Morning Coffee all rights reserved.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 18:00:59 +0000

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