Innisfree Friday December 12th at 7PM: Michael J. Henry and Seth - TopicsExpress


Innisfree Friday December 12th at 7PM: Michael J. Henry and Seth Brady Tucker Michael J. Henry, MFA currently serves as Executive Director of Lighthouse, where he also teaches poetry and memoir and essay workshops. A former recipient of a Colorado Council on the Arts Fellowship and a PlatteForum Fellowship, his work has appeared in such places as Copper Nickel, Threepenny Review, 5280, Many Mountains Moving, Pleiades, Red Rock Review, Rio Grande Review, Georgetown Review, and Bloomsbury Review. In 2008 and 2009, he collaborated with Garrett Ammon of Ballet Nouveau Colorado to create two ballets, both set to poetry, entitled, When the Power Goes Out, and Intersection. Michael grew up in Buffalo, New York, received a BA in English from University of Rochester and an MFA in creative writing from Emerson College. In 1997, he co-founded Lighthouse with Andrea Dupree, who serves as program director. A book of poetry, No Stranger Than My Own, was published by Ghost Road Press in the fall of 2008. Seth Brady Tucker is a poet and fiction writer originally from Lander, Wyoming. His first book won the 2011 Elixir Press Editor’s Poetry Prize (Mormon Boy), and was a finalist for the 2013 Colorado Book Award. His second book won the Gival Press Poetry Award (We Deserve the Gods We Ask For) and will be published in 2014. He has led poetry and fiction workshops for graduate and undergraduate students alike, and currently teaches at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Seth is also the founder and co-director of the Seaside Writers’ Conference (which takes place annually in May), and volunteers his time teaching inmates in Colorado through the prison literacy program, Words Beyond Bars. Recently, his fiction won the Bevel Summers Fiction Prize from Shenandoah, was a finalist for the Jeff Sharlet Award from the Iowa Review, and won the Flash Fiction Award from Literal Latte. Seth has served as a Carol Houck Smith Scholar in Poetry at Bread Loaf, and as the Tennessee Williams Scholar in Fiction at Sewanee. His poetry and fiction are forthcoming or have appeared in Pleiades, Shenandoah, Verse Daily, Iowa Review, Apalachee Review, Chautauqua, Asheville Poetry Review, Indiana Review, Rosebud, North American Review, Witness, Connecticut Review, and Crab Orchard Review, among many other journals and anthologies. Seth has worked as a wine sommelier, a ranch hand, and as an editor for both large and small literary journals, and has degrees from San Francisco State University, Northern Arizona University, and from the top-ranked Creative Writing program at Florida State University (PhD English 2012). He was a paratrooper with the US Army’s 82nd Airborne Division, and served in the Persian Gulf War in another lifetime.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 14:14:09 +0000

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