Innocent Lives We Keep to Make this Dream of Togetherness - TopicsExpress


Innocent Lives We Keep to Make this Dream of Togetherness something to Enjoy! Sacrifice is a Personal Issue. Self-Sacrifice no one validates but those who understand true love for another person, the gift of a life that came at the loss of One whose Payment on Earth SET Free the Knowledge of such a Worth as Human Life Given TEN Fold in Anothers Favor. Now knowing the Difference, means to may there be a way for these and those to understand what is Really going to Prevent the World from Complaining sense we Used to Run like Children Tomorrow after ALL We had Been Forgiven for our Feet and the Thoughtlessness in our walk about time and the Time it took use us u know all peepsies to Reconcile, well, we jumped on the surface of the Moon and eased our way closer to the Loon that sounded the Tune of such Inner Tuning and the Mirror that the Moon Was Reflected Always the Purest Power of Light even when we werent begging, even when Obama was pulling our leg trying to prove there was some need to make more weaponry, even then, there was still a Devine Light that Shone Special Qualities for ye and we whom as individuals knew oneself as me but free from he and open to Thee our own Depictions of the Fiction was our Own Response to the Stress of such a lame way to wake up which wasnt exactly UP as the song expressed to be woken as such was the Case which we Aced Together, as this is Page of Paquarius, so shall there be Celebrations of our Overcoming as we had Begun to Realize the Value in Communicating Responsibly the Improvements in our Ability to Work with that Moment which we had Struggled with for Long Enough, the Trials and Tripulatives that Had Frustrated a 20 year Owl to Grey Feathers..! When Barack Obama speaks with a Nervous Tone of Anxiety and Stress, dont we wish him Whell and Dwell on the Quality of the Love in that World where Peer Support is True and International Affairs Lean towards Those Whom Look to Make Ammends within and without a doubt with you and your family? Dont we pray Holy Spirits from OnHigh Deliver USALO the Spanish Harlem Globe Trottin Weed Pullin, Cherry Pickin, Green GrassRoots Spittin, Hand to Hand Defense Kickin, Crime Prevented, Long Life Livin, Askin Only for a Place to Rest Our Head La Cabeza and Be Forgiven `Fore Traveling Community Hostility plans to make Fancy the Plants of the Planet in need of a People and There Awareness of Our Present? The Sentenced Doom! Send Usalo, the Spirit of USE IT, the Heart in there where anything is Possible such as Sibling Rivalries FINALeyesing the Finality of the Fine Arts in its Glory to Life Finished Tint..! GrassRoasted Folks, word gettin rounder quicker than split, so make like a banana and splat, youre like potassium and people feed off that, oops! Good eNooze for this Moment as the Grateful Thanks are Shared 1000 Times the Peoples Food Co-op and the Family Running the Communities Greatest Push in my lifetime. Same Art Gratitude those Farmers puttin their body to the Limits makin sure our Shelves are Stoked with the Most Quality you can find in Life At Large. Tryon Communal Life, Living Praises the Rural Outdoor Life and Fore Providing Programs that the People can Apply towards a Push towards that Picture, our Ideal, our Vision of Beauty and Constant Wonder at least unless Truth is Revealed and there is no more Wonder about the Matter, like if the Peacefull People feel better about Completedness than the SO CALLED Peace Seeking Pretend Were Glorious Because it Covers the... you dont want to know. Guilty of Putting On a False Front and then Not Confronting the Upfront and Real Life Before Mine Own Eyes..! Well look forwards to change for Eternity.. Unless were confused about our Senses.. Really, though, seems to breathe that there would be memories kickin in and them the people of Unity and Peace and Dignity would come out from their Hiding and show their Beauty, the Muzishal Madness Makers of such Peacefull Riots and Mayham, no joke, Pandemonium and the Openness to Discover our Foundation of Trust. Happy UNDay and we Celebrated Somewhat the Unless, the Unknown, and the Undone so undo yourself an Oooops and Bless up in IaHUS`hUA` for there and here we have the Time to Discover what the Testing Grounds of Man have to Offer the Women and Children of such a Destiny as Honour. Captive Frog: 449 Blair Bear Breakdown St
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 08:19:39 +0000

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