Innocent Udenyi: WHO IS TO BLAME? A young man had a mother who - TopicsExpress


Innocent Udenyi: WHO IS TO BLAME? A young man had a mother who lived in the village all through her life, but sometimes visits her son in the town. The woman got used to village life where eating as early as 6:30 -7:00am was the norm, but whenever the woman visits her son who happens to be a bachelor then, her son prepares foods by 8:30am which attracted the mothers complaint of being served food late. Because of this,the son started preparing food as early as 7am for his mother which stopped the womans complaint. Later on, the man got married, and after 9 months,the wife delivered her 1st child and was unable to visit village for Xmas and was not familiar with the entire family back home and her mother-in-law. Then the next year,the mother-in-law visited his sons house for a 2 weeks medical check-up. On the 1st day of her arrival, the son called his wife into their private room at night and advised her to, in order for peace to reign, try her best to prepare food as early as 7am for her mother-in-law so that peace will reign since that is the only/major problem he knows his mother has, but the wife did not take it kindly with the husband, telling the husband in return THIS IS MY HOUSE AND NOBODY SHOULD DICTATE TO ME WHEN TO PREPARE FOOD OR NOT. The husband begged her secretly,but the lady stood her ground and the next day,the husband left as early as 6am for his business and the wife prepared food by 10am which did not go down well with the mother-in-law and she started complaining to her daughter-in-law but the lady did not care. When the husband returned, the wife asked him to go and tell the mother that she is not in the village anymore and should abide by the rules that obtains ,not only in the town ,but also in her OWN home. Based on this,the husband got angry with the wife for disobeying him and there was noise here and there which prompted exchange of words. The lady accused the husband of siding with his mother while the husband was angry for the disobedience of the wife which could have stopped the problem emanating in the first place. The next day,the mother-in-law left back for the village and this caused problems to the family as a whole. Then ,in this kind of issue,who should be blamed? Is it the Husband, Wife or mother-in-law?
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 15:43:25 +0000

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