Inquiries About Shia Islam An excellent introduction to the - TopicsExpress


Inquiries About Shia Islam An excellent introduction to the major doctrines of Shii Islam, including an explanation of the Ahlul Bayt, infallibility, intercession, dissimulation, companions and wives of the Prophet, and other schools of Islamic thought. Author(s): Sayyid Moustafa Al-Qazwini. Publisher(s): The Islamic Educational Center of Orange County The Verse of Bowing (Ruku) Verily, your guardian (wali) is Allah, His messenger, and the believers; those who perform the prayers and give zakat (alms) while bowing down (in ruku).6 Numerous commentators of the Qur’an from all schools of thought identify the one referred to in this verse is ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib. The famous commentator, Zamakhshari says about this verse, “It was revealed in favor of ‘Ali (may Allah enlighten his face). When a beggar asked him for alms in the masjid and ‘Ali was in the position of ruku during the prayers, he gave away his ring while in that position. It seems it was loose on the little finger, for he did not exert any effort in taking it off, which would have nullified his prayer. If you ask how it could be in favor of ‘Ali since the wording is in the plural form, I would say that the form is plural although its instigator is a single man to encourage people to follow his example and earn a similar reward; and also to draw attention to the fact that the believers must be extremely mindful and benevolent towards the poor such that if a situation can not be postponed until after the prayer, then it should not be delayed until having finished it.”7 Similarly, al-Wahidi in his book on the commentary of the Qur’an entitled, Asbab al-Nuzul, cites Kalbi’s narration, that the cause of this revelation was Imam ‘Ali. Kalbi says, “The later part of this verse is in favor of ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be gracious to him) because he gave his ring to a beggar while in the state of ruku during the prayers.”8 Many other commentaries also hold that this verse refers to Imam ‘Ali including: Sunan al-Nisa΄i, Tafsir al-Kabir by Tha΄alibi,Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal,9 Musnad ibn Marduwayh, and Kanz al-‘Ummal.10 The Verse of Guardianship O you who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those vested with authority over you (’Ul ul-’amr minkum). And if you quarrel about something, then refer it to Allah and the Messenger.11 Reference: 6.Noble Qur’an, 5:55 7.Zamakhshari, Tafsir al-Kashif (See interpretation of ch. 5 v. 55) 8.Wahidi, Asbab al-Nuzul, (See interpretation of ch. 5 v. 55) 9.Noble Qur’an, 5:38 10.Vol. 6, Hadith 391 and 5991 11.Noble Qur’an, 4:59
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 20:11:28 +0000

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