Insert 114 App doesnt give up, she pulled me to the car and i got - TopicsExpress


Insert 114 App doesnt give up, she pulled me to the car and i got in the front passenger seat and Craig came and got it, i was mad, this guy was like uncle AIDS, he follows young people everywhere, App and Trevor got at the back and Craig drove off. Me: why are you doing this? Craig: what am i doing? Me: Everywhere i go you wanna go. Craig: dont flatter yourself, Im just gonna enjoy myself. Ouch that was a bit harsh, i nodded feeling somehow embarrassed. App: Sam enjoy yourself, we dont have our kidz for the weekend. Me: I would enjoy more if my babies were here. A tear escaped my eye i somehow began to feel lonely as if i needed to see my angels badly, i dont know how but App noticed i was about to cry. App: just relax babe please. Me: Craig take me to my babies. App: Sam come on, your babies are probably sleeping now, youll see them tomorrow okay? I nodded as tears streamed down my face, i couldnt control them and within minutes we were already at Goldreef city, we got to the parking lot and App and Trevor got out and i also got out, Craig came to my side. Craig: well find you in the casino, you guys go ahead i wanna have a word with Samantha. They nodded and disappeared somewhere away from the cars. Craig: are you okay? I nodded and Craig threw his hands around me, i wanted so badly to push him away but thats what i needed at that moment, i so badly needed to be hugged, i dived in and we embraced each other and he kissed my forehead. Craig: if Im the reason for your sadness Im sorry, seeing you cry destroys me slowly. I laughed at that seeing you cry destroys me slowly thing, and i hitted his shoulder playfully. Me: thank you. Craig: anytime for you. I rolled my eyes as i was about to walk away, Craig held my hand. Craig: I regret the day i let you go. Me: you were probably thinking with your private part. He giggled. Me: but its in the past now and weve both moved passed that so perhaps it was for the better, weve moved on its okay, i mean youre with Pearl and Im with, well Walter so. Craigs mouth curved into a smile, mxm i dont know why he was even smiling but i was curious to find out. Me: lets go. I led the way and he followed after me, we headed to the casino when he took my hand and locked it into his, i looked at him and he was looking straight ahead. Me: and now? Craig: you might be divorcing me but youre still my wife in public. I looked at and stood still. Craig: lets go. I did not answer him and he picked me up, people were staring it was getting awkward. Me: fine, put me down Ill walk. He put me down, took me by hand and literally pulled me like Im some kind of 5year old naughty kid, i kept looking at him and he was so serious, we walked to the machine where App and Trevor were at and Craig did not let go of my hand. App: i heard The Soil was here and the tickets are not sold out so lets go there. I kept quiet and my eyes were glued to Craigs face, how does this one think mara, he finally let go of my hand, mxm this was child abuse :v, Craig was abusing me. App: so? Me: okay lets go. Trevor: Call us when youre done. App: okay babe. Trevor and Appreciate shared a kiss and hugged then we left them there, it was really awkward because Craig and I had always been the lovey dovey couple, where one couldnt go the whole day without, anyway we waved at them and my heart was very heavy, i couldnt go there and most certainly will not enjoy myself. Me: uhm App please lets turn back and go play the machine with Trevor. App: haha you mean to tell me that you already miss Craig. Me: haha lols oh please Craig? Really? App: lets face the facts Sam, you two still love each other so much. Me: says who? App: everyone can see it Sam. Me: theres nothing between us anymore, the guy wants to divorce me. App: no you want to divorce him not the other way around. Me: whatever, lets go play games. App: haha now you talking. We went to play games and it was fun, lol we used almost 500 tokens, when we started we wouldnt stop or couldnt if i must put it the right way :v :v. Anyway while we were playing, i was playing that dancing one until some guy joined me and we danced together, it was real fun, i was disturbed by the laughter of a certain lady, she was laughing so loud and she was in those two seated motorbikes and you wouldnt believe who was with her, she was with Craig and Trevor was on the other one with some chick, i got out that machine and fetched App who was busy collecting more tokens. Me: I just saw Craig and Trevor with two ladies in those motorbikes machine. App: what? Its okay, lets also find guys to dance with, not just any other dance but a very slow dance. Me: haha cool okay. We went on to find two guys who were just dancing and we joined them, we laughed so hard that we caught their attention, see the problem with such scenarios is when the guy starts touching in places you wouldnt want them too............................. :* Sam
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 10:01:04 +0000

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