Insert 114 Ndiye ndeva ngaye sendivusa, xa ndijonga ixesha its - TopicsExpress


Insert 114 Ndiye ndeva ngaye sendivusa, xa ndijonga ixesha its 2am Z: aibo baby kutheni walala kanje? Why are you all dressed up?...ndamjonga nje and took off my dress, I was so hurt. Did he really forget about our dinner plans or was it all just an act? Either way, it broke my heart. I went to wash my face then ndanxiba my pjs ndangena ezingubeni. Kanti kutheni uZusiphe yena esenza kanje? Yintoni ngoku le ayifunayo mna andibone sendingenayo? Wasnt I woman enough for him now? Kanti kutheni? Ndive ngaye sendibamba esinqeni wasondela kum but I didnt move or anything, I just laid there, my heart aching like nobodys business. The following day I got up and got ready for work then dropped off Nande on the way there. Ndafika emsebenzini and changed into my scrubs then ndayokwenza my rounds, I was working with Mel that day Mel: are you okay Pellets? Me: yeah Im fine, just a little tired, kids kept me up all night Mel: ag shame man, you can go rest for a while, Ill cover for you Me: as great as that sounds, I need to work or Ill go crazy...ndizive senditshilo Mel: are you sure its just the kids stressing you out? Me: positive.....she smiled and I returned it faintly. I really needed to keep myself occupied or I was going to lose my mind yiyo yonke lento ka Zusiphe. After lunch, I was just sitting in the canteen, there was not much to do at the hospital so ndahlala nje and fiddled with my hands Mase: hey.....I looked up Me: hey Mase: you seem down, trouble in paradise? Me: no Mase: dont lie Pelo I mean, I can see right through you, what did he do? Me: please just go away Masonwabe Mase: you know if you tell me, I promise I wont tell you I told you so...he had this smug smile and I wanted to mop the floor with his face Me: what part of go away do you not get? Mase: I knew he was the wrong guy for you, hes probably cheating on you right now in that new hospital...pity you cant keep an eye on him like you did here....I stood up and threw the steaming cup of coffee at him, he cried out Me: fine then Ill go.... I knocked off at work and to my surprise Zusiphe was at home, Nande ran up to me Nande: yabona ke dolly, uvumile utata ukuba ndichebe...I looked at him and he smiled Me: okay ke boy Nande: ndizocheba nini kengoku? Me: ngeweekend va, umama uzokusa....he smiled and held my leg Nande: enkosi dolly wam va? Yakuthanda mna Me: ndiyakuthanda nam baby, uphi uLily? Nande: ulele lowo.... Me: mm okay....I went to our bedroom and changed into track pants and a vest. Ndahlala phezukwe bhedi and looked at the ceiling. Ndava umnyango uvuleka and footsteps walking towards me, wakhwela phezu kwam uZ and I felt his erection against my thigh Z: dont worry I locked the door....he kissed my neck and I didnt respond baby whats wrong? Me: nothing....wasuka kum and laid next to me Z: come on Luyanda, thetha nam please Me: who did you have to think about in order to get that....he gave me a puzzled look Z: what do you mean? Me: you know exactly what I mean Z: Lu youre the only one who can make me like this? Me: are you cheating on me Zusiphe?....waqhala amehlo umntu Z: what?! Where do you get such nonsense? I would never Me: then why did Liz tell me that....why would she?....I broke off,.I was just taking a shot in the dark, ndimbone ukuba uzothini youre sleeping with her andithi? Thats why youre so cold, distant, not attracted to me and thats why you missed our dinner date last night Z: Pelo Im sorry, it only happened a few times..... Me: what? So you are sleeping with her? Z: yes...I mean just said.... Me: I was only speculating, I was hoping really are sleeping with her Zusiphe?....I couldnt believe it Z: baby....please Me: no! Get away from me! This whole couldnt say anything more, my heart was shattered into pieces ke futhi. Wasondela kum and I moved back Me: get out Z: no please lets talk about this Me: hamba Zusiphe!....wasondela kum Hamba!! I screamed at him...waphinda wasondela kum and I threw the side lamp at him, wayiphepha Go Now! Leave ndabamba iframe yephoto and threw it at him again, waphepha and this time wajika waphuma. I sat on the floor and cried my lungs out, ndava kutshisa isifuba. The door opened slowly again as I was crying on the floor, wasondela and kneeled before me Z: Pelo, Im sorry, please baby....ndathula ndamjonga nje qha, ndamyeka wandibamba ngoku ndisakhalayo. UZusiphe undiphoxa njani kangaka na? Out of all the people in the world, how could he hurt me like that? Ndade ndathula ke Me: I want you to leave Z: kodwa.... Me: ndiyakucela Zusiphe, just go....he gave me one sad look then wahamba. I stood up and crawled into bed...yinto endizayithini na le :(
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 07:03:19 +0000

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