Insert 129 Thuli:Here(she handed me some tissues,I politely - TopicsExpress


Insert 129 Thuli:Here(she handed me some tissues,I politely declined) I stood up and went to wash my face instead,looking at my reflection in the mirror these days was torture I wiped my face with a towel,breathing heavily I returned to the living room only to find that Thuli had packed up her things Me:Uhmm! Why? Why are you leaving?(i scratched my head) Thuli:A tough first session. Im just going to give you time to process everything that has happened today. And well move on further when we meet next time.. Me:Next time? Thuli:I suggest that we meet atleast once every week Me:Oh Thuli:And since Im dealing with you on a personal level(she searched around in her handbag) Thuli:Heres my card.. Its got my personal phone number on,whenever things are too much for you,you give me a call.. Me:I dont think that will be necessary(i handed her the card back) Thuli:Please take it You never know I slipped it into my pocket,although I believed that Id never need it Thuli:Thank You. Ill be seeing you around Mr Mkhabela It felt quite weird to hear that Mkhabela,I wasnt used to it.. I walked her out then I sat down in the living room,I felt like ripping my heart out right out of my chest Id made a huge fool of myself! What kind of a man cries? Not to mention cry in front of a woman!! I took my clothes off slowly,dropping one clothing item after another as I walked to the bathroom I stepped in the shower and I turned on the cold water My skin cringed as the cold water splashed against my skin Drop after drop sliding down my skin Relaxing each and every bodypart of mine My muscles didnt feel so tense anymore After seconds of just merely standing in the shower I turned off the water and I stepped out I wiped the water and cold off my skin with a towel I went back to the hallway to pick up all the clothing items that Id dropped My head was feeling a little heavy so I took a short nap on the bed Hours later we were at my dads restaurant launch It was packed,it was only 17h30 but loads of people had started to arrive I guess it was because of the celebrity appearances and goodie bags that were promised! Me,Nhlanhla and dad were all dressed in black suits and Aunt Zan,dressed as planned in a little red dress! I felt like a star,almost everyone greeted us,we were standing next to the founder! After everyone settled in,dad approached the stage The room fell silent as everyone was eager to listen Dad:Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen! We are all gathered here to witness the launch of something great,something beautiful Zan:Not as pretty as me though The crowd giggled Dad:This restaurant should mark the start of new things The start of relationships(he glanced at Aunt Zan,who was blushing) friendships The reuniting of old friends,broken friendships,broken relationships We dont plan to make problems disappear with a meal,but we plan to solve them! This restaurant shall be of exquisite taste from young,old to young oldish! Everyone should indulge in the exuberance that a meal from the Swiss world will bring Everyone should indulge in the exuberance that a meal from the Swiss Tist will bring(he raised his glass) Zan:To Swiss Twist! Crowd:To Swiss Twist! Everyone downed their drinks It was the start of a busy evening Me and Nhlanhla were seated in the VIP section and enjoying our main course,dad and Aunt Zan had their own cosy table in the corner,it was hidden with all kinds of decorations so it was hard to see what they were doing I however lifted my lead to check up on them when I didnt spot any movement from either of them Nhlaiks:Relax cuz! Me:Relax? I dont feel comfortable with- Nhlaiks:Breathe in.. And out! Didnt your psychologst/therapist/whatever help you? Me:Who said Im angry! I just wana see what they are doing! Nhlaiks:Sorry to disappoint you but its none of your business Me:It is my business! Thats my Aunt in there! Nhlaiks:Youre not related to Max! Shes not your Aunt! Me:My mom was married to Max for Heavens sake! Nhlaiks:But her heart wasnt! Me:Mxm! Her Marriage Certificate begs to differ! Nhlaiks:U have to accept that Your dad is moving on Cuz! Me:Lets eat,shall we! Nhlaiks:Not before we order drinks! Me:We cant drink! My dad is only a few metres away! Nhlaiks:What papa doesnt know,wont hurt him! Waiter!!(he shouted,snapping his fingers to add emphasis) The waiter sped to our table Waiter:How may I be of service? Nhlaiks:Can I have Black Label please? Two bottles! Me:Nah-ah! I dont do Black Label! Nhlaiks:And then? Me:Just wine. Nederburg will do just fine.. Waiter:Coming right up!(she walked away nervously) Nhlaiks:Sissy drinks! Me:Ure the one thats going to wake up with ihangover! He chuckled Nhlaiks:Men dont get hangovers!(he tapped his chest) We got back to eating when our drinks arrived I was so focused on enjoying my steak that I didnt even realise that Pamie had joined us. Me:Hauw! Smatsatsa sam!(i smiled at her,looking up from my meal) Pamie:Hi Andrew Nhlaiks:I think I should leave you- Me:Dont be ridiculous wena! Pamie:Yeah... Stay! Nhlaiks:Cool! He went back to mowing down his plate,trying not to focus on our conversation Me:You look beautiful Pamie:Thank You Me:Feels like a while since Ive seen you Pamie:I know! The last time I saw you,which was Yesterday,things didnt go well... Me:I know. I didnt plan for things to end that way... Pamie:I know u didnt. Your emotions took control of everything,like they always do Me:Im still mastering the art of thinking with my heart and not my mind Pamie:Youve got a long way to go! Me:So.. Who are you here with? I took a sip of the wine,hoping that dad wouldnt see that me and Nhlaiks were drinking Pamie:Oh No Im here alone. Sbu doesnt know that Im here... Me:Heh! U sure u wont get into trouble for doing this? Pamie:Hes too busy with his girlfie to even notice that Im gone Me:So why did u sneak out? Pamie:So I could see you idiot!(she pinched my cheeks) Me:Ouch! First you bite my neck,now you pinch my cheeks! This is becoming more abusive by the day She chuckled Pamie:Do u agree Nhlanhla? Nhlaiks:Oh.. Uhm.. Yeah.. I guess so. Pamie:Hauw! Im only disciplining him! Me:I can do that on my own thanks! We giggled Nhlanhla downed his bottle at the sound of our giggling Pamie:Can I see your neck? Me:Why? Pamie:i wana see the bite mark tht I left? Me:U mean that u wana see the bite mark that the Vampire left? Pamie:Nxawww! Andrew Me:How about we get ourselves some privacy? Pamie:Really? Me:I guess so. Ull cover for us bro? He carried on eating,as if he was ignoring me Me:Nhlanhla!! Nhlaiks:Huh? Kwenzenjani? Me:Cover for us! We just need some privacy to taLk Nhlaiks:Privacy?? I kissed Pamie right in front of Nhlanhla He choked on his food,coughing loudly,drawing unwanted attention to our table,we had to drop the kiss! Me:That kind of privacy! Nhlaiks:Oh.. Shap ge! I held Pamies hand and we rushed out of the restaurant.. We found a quiet corner at the back where we sat down under a tree Pamie:Whats going on with you? Me:What do u mean whats going on? Pamie:The act you put on in there? Me:Act? Im not a good actor! Pamie:Clearly! Because I could tell you were acting from miles on! Whats wrong with you! Me:With me? Pamie:How could u act like that in front of him? Me:In front of who? Pamie:Nhlanhla! Me:Oh! Were going there again? Pamie:I dont like the way you acted in there! Me:How did I act? Pamie:Like a damn five year old! Me:Mxm Im just showing you off to the world! Since when is that wrong? Pamie:Anele I- Me:Shhh! I placed my finger on her lips We looked into each others eyes,our eyes locked to each other We didnt feel an urge to kiss each other or hug each other We just stared into each others eyes They call it the language of love! We spoke with our eyes,sometimes words would be too much! Her big brown eyes were sending a message of calmness,love,happiness! I wasnt sure what message my eyes were sending,but it seemed to be a good one because a slight smile seemed to show on her face I slowly stroked her hair out of her eyes,still locked to her eyes We stroked each others cheeks while we gazed into each others eyes It felt so good,so right! Nhlanhla:Anele! Your fathers looking for you! Me:Sure I said,still looking into her eyes Pamie:Lets go!!! Before we get into trouble! I got up and held her hand We walked to the restaurant but when we got to the door I smacked her ass and I ran in She chased after me,laughing-it slowed her down,it was part of the plan! We got to the table where Nhlanhla was sitting,he was sucking on another bottle! Nigga was focused on getting drunk neh! Pamie:Got you! Me:What are you gonna do! Bite me? She bit her lip Pamie:I might do more!! Me:Admit it,you enjoyed that! Pamie:Which girl wouldnt! Me:Good! Because thats MY ass! No one elses! Pamie:Okay Big boy! I gave her a peck on the lips Dessert arrived and we ate together,we kept staring into each others eyes though The love language was being fluently spoken tonight
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 21:41:43 +0000

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