Insert 130 My babies were eating and i sat there admiring my - TopicsExpress


Insert 130 My babies were eating and i sat there admiring my creation with the help of my husband, the twins looked so much like their daddy their eyes, noise, lips and they had my ears. I was tempted to cry but i didnt wanna traumatise my babies, theyve been through enough as it, after they were done i took them to bed and tucked them in and then went to my bedroom. The minute i walked in Craigs scent drove me crazy, i stripped naked and took his shirt and wore it and tears voluntarily came out of my eyes, i didnt wanna believe that my Craig was gone, i couldnt believe, name one woman who would believe such, Craig was my no no is my everything even though i would get mad at him at times but he knew i loved him more than anything in this world that is why when he left me for Pearl he knew if he came back i wouldnt resist him, He is my better half, everything i ever dreamt for in a man, i was crying so loudly now and i decided to call Mrs Sauerman, she picked up immediately. Mrs Sauerman: Baby.............. That just broke my heart, her voice was that of Craig that is why he was a mamas boy. Mrs Sauerman: Samantha are you there? Me: yes is he he he is........ I cried even louder, i couldnt bring myself to say it, i refused to believe it, few hours ago he was in this very bedroom promising me that he would come back and he always kept his promises. Mrs Sauerman: baby you not making sense. Me:!! I then threw the phone alone and i needed something to ease the pain so i slowly walked to the kitchen and i took off a very sharp butchery knife, i just wanted the pain of losing my husband to go away, i dont know how it happened but Mrs Sauerman rushed to me as i was about to stab myself she hugged me tightly as we cried together and we went back to the lounge and the whole family was there, i wonder how they got in but then again theyre family. The door swung open and Chloe walked in and i just saw Craig, she was a female version of him, my heart broke a billion pieces and death seemed like the only option for the pain to go away, she looked so pale and i didnt like it because she was pregnant, she hugged me so tightly and i cried even more, the pain was too much to bear, it hurt so badly, it feels like Im being stabbed over and over and over again in my heart, its just too painful and only Craigs presence can ease the pain and make it disappear. Hours later i was calmed and i told the family everything and Mr Sauerman and Jake went down to the police station so that they can get Craigs belongings and also the mortuary to identify the body and they came back after an hour or so and their eyes were puffy and when they told me that indeed it was Craig who died, i screamed so much that i wanted to die that moment, everyone joined in and minutes later mom and dad arrived and i just wanted to be in my daddys comforting arms, and his warm tender kisses against my forehead and i wanted nothing more than Craig. The weekend came and Craig was burried, it was just our family only we didnt want to have anything wild and i had the twins that their is gone but if they wanted to spoke to him they should just look up and do so cause his always looking down on us, they cried so much and instead of comforting them I joined in. After the funeral the will was being read and we made our way to the dining room and the lawyer was there. Lawyer: Good evening Sauerman family, Im the late Mr C Sauermans lawyer, Mr Sauerman left everything he owned to his beautiful wife and children but wrote letters to each and everyone of you, Ill start by reading the letter he wrote to his wife. Lawyer: My beautiful Samantha, if my lawyer is reading this letter, it means Im gone and you would probably think of following me but baby what about our children.... . I couldnt hold the tears, they Kurt came flooding down. You are my best friend, love, my baby, wife, mother of our beautiful children and my partner in crime.... He continued. Loving you has changed me into a better man that Im proud off, baby Im gone now please try to move on with your life, love my children as much as you loved me because thats what kept me going, your love, Ill always be looking down at you and our beautiful kidz, i mustve done something right in Gods eye for him to allow me to marry one of his angels, remember when we prayed when we thought Gareth was actually gonna kill you, haha i even laught at that even in my death, i prayed that God take me first because if he took you first, i wouldnt cope, i guess he is a faithful God indeed, i know that even death will have a hard time separating me from you, i love you Samantha Booi Sauerman, so i wifed you at last, who would have thought, i love you baby now and forever more your husband Craig. After the lawyer had finished reading i smiled and cried because even in his death he managed to make me smile, but i cried more. Sam :*
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 06:33:25 +0000

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