Insert #140 Zimkhitha has been confusing Nokuzola since her - TopicsExpress


Insert #140 Zimkhitha has been confusing Nokuzola since her friends left earlier that morning. She cries in the random of moments without any reason and stops with out notice. Nokuzola finds this very frustrating but she picked a couple of habits from her daughter. For one, her daughter loves hearing voices. This she picked when her daughter silenced for a whole hour when her friends were there to see her. Zimkhitha didnt squeek one bit. Two, her daughter loves attention. She never cries when shes in her arms or when someone is making baby voice to her. This will minus on being a Abigail to her father as he detests attention. Now she knows why her daughter cries sometimes but the task is attending the inconvenient, untimely needs. She was washing dished when Lucky entered gleaming with a bright smile. Lucmolweni bathwayo nguLucky utata wabo Nokmolo tatekhaya he lays his lips on her and she lingers on his lips. She sees his eyes everyday but everytime she sees him, his cherry lips, his fair complexion and brown eyes ... She falls inlove even deeper. There was so much of her inside him. This man keeps her happinsess and sorrow. She doesnt mind drinking sugar water and home made loaves WITH HIM. That is the main ingredient HIM. Nokkhandibambe she lays on his chest and tightens a bear hold around him. He holds her aswel, kissing the top of her head. Lucutheni ubundi khumbula baby? Nokndikukhumbula noba sele ulapha phandle. I love you. I have never felt like this for anyone Luckys heart warmed inside him and he grins even wider. Lucpharoro? Nokhmm? Luckhandijonge she lifts her head and looks at him. He puts his hands on her cheeks. It aroused her. He could touch her anywhere on her body, even out of anger and she would want him. Lucenkosi pharoro ... Mna ndiphelele kuwe nomntanam. I love you treasure of my soul. Andi mind(i) uba yindoda for nina she kissed his heart and felt his heart beat on her lips. They embraced one more time. When he released he went straight to where his daughter is. Kissing her like he always does. thixo ndisikelelwe koda. Abantu abaniiindzi banga bulala to feel the way I feel right now ... Pharoro? Noktatekhaya? Lucndiyavakala xana ndisithi my world is in this house instead of out there? Nokkancinci Lucmxm ndiyeke she jogs to him. Nokndiyadlala tyini she says baby kissing him. Baby kissing lead to lipping, lipping to tongueing and they were all over each other. He lifts her and falls on the bed with her. Kissing her passionately. She wanted him so bad, it had been ages since he was inside her. He takes off her top, then his. To many his body isnt a amazing. But to her its stimulation in flesh. Thin, rip and barely there pacs. It causes a storm inside her. He kisses her down. From her lips to her chin, neck and breasts eiiiiita heeela. Kuzaba mnandi moss apha he says looking at her breasts. Nokyinton? Lucbaby amabele ngathi yivatala NokHahahaha. Hay hay sole uyeka. Bekuthwe masinga ..- Lucoh yah kanene he interjects. She felt him on her girl. It had been so long since they made love she had forgotten how good his chap feels inside her. She badly wanted him inside her like an itch needs scratching. Lucuphila kwakho ndzakondzalisa Nokhahaha yavuya weyyyyna shweym. Ndzaske ndikuthi zilwimi kemnake. And uyandazi tatekhaya Lucmxm yayiyi laka leya yakho. Enye into ndandiyi gqibele kdalana ngela xesha Nokkwaaaagagaga hayini bethunana khanibizeni uYesu azova Lucndintsimbile rhaaaa Nokhaha nantsiya i-toilet. Yendza imfaneleko zakho Lucutshayiwe ingath ndina 13 ..- BANG BANG BANG. a knock sounds on the door. Luckily the baby doesnt wake. Lucky gets up and opens the door. A police guy stood there with Akhona behind him. PoliceMandilakhe jola? Lucyes nguye lo PoliceI have a warrant for your arrest. You have a right to remain silent. What ever you say will be used against you in court the baby cries and Nokuzola got up heart drumming. Nokkwendzeka nton apha? Akhonasumhoya lona Noxy sisi. Yi abuser and cheater. Ndingavuya noba unomlahla Nokuzola looked at Lucky. Lucky had embarrassment all over his eyes.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 18:05:08 +0000

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