Insert #20 I was really starting to feel unprotected, nervous, - TopicsExpress


Insert #20 I was really starting to feel unprotected, nervous, scared and whatever you can think of. This wasnt gonna end. They werent gonna leave me alone until they see me suffer. Ive suffered enough. More than enough. I was getting really fed up with all this drama. Firstly, I had told the police where the house I was kidnapped in was located. Only to find out that they had burnt the house as soon as I escaped. So there was no possibility that they could find any evidence or any trace leading to them coz they made sure they destroyed everything. Oh! Wait! The panty! It could be useful too. But how? UThemba had called the police after the incident. They arrived immediately. They assured us that they would try and make my panty useful. It was just too much for me. The police had been in the house for an hour or so. They took shoe prints at the door for the person who could have dropped the parcel. They interrogated the maid and asked me a few questions. Themba hired four police men to look after the house till tomorrow and had suggested hell get tough man to take care of us around endlin. As soon as they were done they were ready to leave. Officer: sir will be leaving now. Well let you know if we have something new. Themba: okay thank you officer. Officer: call us if theres any trouble. But I assure you my man here will do their job sir. He turned to me. Him: dont worry about anything mam, everything will be sorted out in no time. Those criminals will be dealt with. I nodded. They left the house and The maid closed and locked the door. The police were surrounded in the house. UThemba assured me that by tomorrow, there will be man taking care of the house. I felt very safe and secured as soon I heard all this. Themba: Sonto... That was one of the maids name. Him: please make us cups of coffee and bring them upstairs. Sonto: okay sir. Him: honey lets go upstairs. Me: I want to take a quick shower first. Him: Ill be with you. Me: no Ill be fine. I want to be alone. For a while. Him: Thando I... Me: No! Man Themba! I snapped at him. Him: okay babe..its okay. Am not fighting. Me: am sorry...I just... Him: its okay I understand. Ive promised you that youll be fine and make sure you are in safe hands. We went upstairs. I got in the shower. The shower is in the bedroom. I got a call from my mum. We chatted for a while and then started taking a shower. I was silent for a while thinking about what had happened in the past few months. I had to be strong. For myself and take responsibility of what had been going on in my life. My life had turned for the worse just as I thought it had turned for the good. Maybe if I hadnt made an effort to destroy umadam, this wouldnt have happened. I was blaming myself. Yes it was my fault so I had to finish what I had caused. This was getting too much for me. I wasnt even myself anymore. I had missed Themba. Our good times together. Mxm. I had no time for him anymore. I dont blame him. I rinsed insipho and then went out. UThemba was sitting in the corner of the bed. Silent. I walked past him and took ilotion and applied on my body. As I was applying ebusweni I looked at him and he was in tears. I paused for a while and then slowly went to him and sat next to him. Me: whats the matter. Why you crying? Him: nothing am fine. I moved a bit closer to him. Held his cheek and made him look at me. Me: whats wrong Themba? Please talk to me. He just looked at me and tears rolled down his cheeks. Him: am truly sorry. I am really sorry Thando for everything Ive caused you. For every pain youve encountered coz of me. I am... Me: Shhh! Please Themba its not your fault. You didnt do it on purpose. You dont have to blame yourself. Its not your fault seriously. Him: I know. Bit if I hadnt been in your life. None of this would have happened. See now what theyve done to you? my precious gift. Theyve made me feel low and useless. I... Me: come on babe. Dont say that. You not useless to me. You very much useful and important in my life. Youve shown me how much I mean to you. Youve not lost hope in me. Am very much thankful for that Themba. You are one in a million. There are few people like you in the world. Do you get what am saying? He nodded shyly. I made him look at me. Me: do you understand? Him: Yes I do. Thanks. Me: good, dont let this come over you. I love you Themba. Wow! That was the first time I said that to him. He was quiet shocked too. Him: you mean that? Me: yes I do. Him: I love you too Thando. I dont want anything to happen to you. I wont let such thing happen. I promise. Me: youve promised me enough. Am convinced now babe. We stared at each other and I moved in for a kiss. We kissed for a while and then we stopped. Him: I love you Thando lwam. Me: I love you too Themba lam.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 19:48:01 +0000

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