Insert 26 I was very happy that my relationship with my boo - TopicsExpress


Insert 26 I was very happy that my relationship with my boo was back on track :) I had missed him so much and not having him was actually torture :( but now he was back :) When I got home I was all smiles and Lethabo kept questioning me about why am I so happy and what happened ko Wonder-park. I was in a good mood so I started cooking and got done in an hour, minutes later my phone rang and my heart smiled when I saw the caller id Me:Nunuberry yam :) Lunga:Munchie unjani? Me:Im good hawu wena? Lunga:Ndiryt baby I just miss you thats all Me:I miss you more babe.I cant wait to see you yazi sthandwa sam Him:You will see me tomorrow nje Me:You gonna drive and come here again? Him:No I booked into a hotel here in Pretoria Me:#screams and you didnt bother telling me? Great usile wena :D Him:#laughs chill babe hawu Me:Im just happy My grandma shouted my name from the lounge Me:Babe listen I gotta go neh gogo uyandibiza Him:Okay sharp Me:Arent you forgetting something? :/ Him:I love you pumpkin Me:Kao rata lenna We hung up I dished up and we all ate, my cousin(Papi) and I did the dishes while the others watched tv, immediately after that I went to bed. I was slowly dozing off to sleep when my phone rang Mxm I felt like crying :( I answered it Me:Mhmm Caller:Boo ulele early kanje Me:Eya and this better be good Him:It is Me:Yini? Him:I love you Mxm -_- Lunga disturbed me just to say this Me:Nam I do can I go back to sleep now? Him:No Me:Nana you know it takes time for me to fall asleep hawu.Why do you do me like this? Him:Goodnight ke Ill sing you a song Me:Night boo. He sang Twinkle twinkle little star :v :v he is so sweet though. I eventually fell asleep. I woke up in the morning brushed my teeth I couldnt make my bed cause Papi was sleeping with me so I cleaned the house while the others were sleeping after I was done I made breakfast for everyone. I ate and went to take a bath then wore my high-waist shorts, black all-star and a high-low top I brushed my hair and put on some lip gloss and some mascara. I called Lunga Him:Nunie Me:Babe you good? Him:Ewe you? Me:Im good which hotel are you in? Him:You wanna come over? Me:Yep Him:Well Im by the gate iza Me:Ok We hung up I went to wake Papi up so that he can meet Lunga but instead they all came out and went to Lunga Papi:Mjita Lunga:Sho ntwana Papi:Ugrand? Lunga:Moja wena? Papi:Sharp They chatted for a while and I must say they were getting along very well :) I took my my phone and bag and we left. We got to the hotel and went straight to bed we cuddled and watched a movie while eating popcorn and some other junk.Wed kiss every now and again. Him:Baby I want sugar I knew what he wanted but I just acted dumb Me:You eating sugar nje Him:I mean real sugar babe Me:Thatha nawa ama Maynard idla sugar ke I handed him the packet of sweets but he threw it aside He got on top of me and started kissing me passionately I responded to the kiss then the room started heating up. I pulled away and looked at him Me:Im not in the mood babe so please Him:Babe Charlie is starving Me:I dont care andifuni okay Him:I understand pumpkin patch I laid my head on his chest and continued with the movie. My phone rang and he took it immediately when he saw Thembiles name on the caller id his facial expression, waba bomvu umntu :O :O I wonder what is he gonna do next? I hope he does not snap at me :/
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 13:34:37 +0000

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