Insert 28 :) i could see the shockness in Lihles face qha - TopicsExpress


Insert 28 :) i could see the shockness in Lihles face qha bendingafun jampisa he looked at his dad with his serious look,ndabe ndingabethelwa nangu 1 Lihle:Tata linyala lantoni eli ulenzayo huh? Why you walking around with women ngathi usisshumane esigwetywayo and even sleeping with my mother in-law lihles pa:hay nyana wam ndicela uxolo enyinto- Lihle:ucela uxolo? He laughed a littleuxolo lusemthini ke tata alujingi apha kum after all these years uMama being loyal kuwe kanti wena uyafeba,usibetha mini na mini veki na vekil kanti wenze lemikhwa lihlel pa:khange ndiyaz ukuba izokwenza ubuhlungu lento suthetha elihlobo Lihle ndiyakucela,ungaxeleli mntu ngalento lihle nditsho ne wele eli lakho What? Yes i ddid hear him right but uLihle liwele? :O he was so angry uLihle ngathi uziFlames he was fuming with anger,he took his bag and opened the door lihles dad:uZenazi is your little sister? Lihle shut the door slwly and looked at me and back at his dad ndithi uMama ebethule ngathi akekho ezifihle ngeDuvet Lihle:Tata andikuva? Uthi uZeze yinton? His dad:He is your sister,ndamithisa uMama wakhe and got away with it zange ndifune ukumkhathalela so she then got married and uZeze grew us esithi Tata ku lala ndoda ebetshate nayo uMama wakho Lihle looked at me Lihle:ubusazi kanti? Me:No i- Him:kanti ulixoke Zenazi kuthen lento ungakhange undixelele ungumntana wasekhaya nje Me:Lihle listen- Him:listen to your lies again? Me:Lihle no khange ndiy- Lihle:ndiyeke wena ndidikiwe yile chaos he opened the door and banged it hard kwathi duum kwei windows tears camr rolling in my eyes my heart was beating a if its going to pop out Me:niyandonyanyisa xaninoba bini? You got what you wanted i hope you happy now Mama:sanalwam- Me:hay khawuyekane nam Mama youve just runied my relationship no Lihle just cause khange uyithethe inyan from the beggining why mara heh? Besendi shoutisa kengoku Me:i hope niya vula nyani. I went to my room shut the door and looked at myself in the mirror i cried and asked God why is this happining to me kuthen uMama enjena nje my biological dad,my fake dad,my boyfriend,my life why is this happining now mara heh? I kepts asking myself those questions after that i took off my uniform and wore my pyjamas and crawled into bed i wasnt even hungry guess what khange nditye kutya okune ngqondo that day i fell asleep i was still sleeping when i heard my phone ringing i thought is was lihle,but hey to my suprise it was Yamkela i picked it up and answered her Me:molo sleep tone* Her:molo nongqiza unjanie baby kutheni ingathy awukho right nje mhm? Me:ill tell you everything ngomso namhlanje andikho se moodini Her:ube right man baby yevha? Uyathandwa ndim uyaqoh? Me:i faked a smile i love you too nana we both hung up i checked the time and it was 19:54 i woke up went to the bathroom and washed my face ukhobone lanto xa ugqibo vuka and you just look like IDC uyaqoh? I went to the lounge and sat down there was no one so it was my chance to call Lihle i called him and he didnt answer khange ndiphelelwe lixhala ntanga :v i kept on calling him several times when i was about to hung up he picked up ephole ngomcabangu Lihle:funa ntoni? Me:ndifuna wena. Yho that popped ouy ndinga cingelanga i mean i want to explain kakuhle cause you were angry ngela xesha Him:thetha Me:khange ndiyaz ba nguTata wam uTata wakho lihle i really didnt know i just found out izolo i know i should have told you but bekunzima kakhulu ngela xesha Him:ugqibile kengoku uthetha nhe? Me:ewe he hunged up,WTF :O kust kanjalo nje i never fought for a guy before but im quiet concerned that i will fight for Lihle nakanjani nha uyaqoh? I took my phone and thre it hard on the wall i cried and wiped those tears off cause bendinga yaz ukuba ndikhalela ntoni if you could ask me i watched the Tv ndaqondba andizom phonela tuu uMama if she thinks ndzokwenza njalo i went to the kitchen and when i was about to cook Lusanda called me Me:yha? Her:.uthi uMama ungapheki mntase we bringing take aways Me:sharp i hung up and called my classmates wethu bendine airtime engapheliyo mntakaTata few mins later Mama yanga,sanda bexhakazela ziPlastics ndabe ndi qinise leyam intloko ndijonge eTivin Yanga:yhuu yintoni awasiphathisa nosi phethisa nha nontombi? Me:hay khawundiyeke wethu mna tshini Her:hehake they went to the kitchen and unpacked izinto and brought take aways ndaphakama and went to the kitchen ndasela amanzi and we all dug in kuhlala iTv qha akekho nomnye ebethetha nomnye sanda:yhuu kubhubhe bani nha lento kuthuleke kangaka? Me:buza pha ku Mama wakho mntase khaya ungandi jongi nondi jonga mntakaTata uyaqoh? Sithe sisa thetha kunjalo kwakhala iKnock lusanda waphakama and opened the Door what i couldnt beileve my eyes we were all shocked ukubona Elinyala tshin thixo xolwein torho guys ntoyongabina network xhala down :v ndisanithanda ke mnake uyaqoh? :*
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 16:09:38 +0000

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