Insert 28 we got done and sindi went up probably to go - TopicsExpress


Insert 28 we got done and sindi went up probably to go pack. I washed the dishes then ma decided to stay with sissy.sindi got done and we loaded her bags in the car.we drove in silence to nelsville.i directed mandisi to the house. Mandisi: it looks great though. Me: i told you,lets go in you will se how beautifull it is. Sindi: mxm. We went in and i showed them the house. Me: let us go so you will settle in. Sindi: just go. Mandisi: call if you need anything neh. Sindi: i will thanks. Me: ohk bye. We went out and drove back home.we were silent again luckily it wasnt far. We got in and ma and sisipho were already asleep.we went straight to the bedroom. Mandisi stripped naked and got in bed.i wore my pjs then joined him. Me: are you fine. Mandisi: yeah. Me: mandisi dont try me,ever since you got back you acting cold towards me.whats wrong with you. Mandisi: i said m fine thandaza!! You know mandisi never shouted at me,ever. Me: did you just shout at me. Mandisi: no m just tired. Me: is it because of sindi. Mandisi: what about her. Me: i dont know you tell me. Mandisi: when did you get this heartless..thandaza you didnt even consult us about the do you think that makes me feel as a man. Me: so you angry because i sent her away. Mandisi: no but you would have told me. Me: shit whats wrong,when i came back here you agreed that we wont let this come between can you take her side over mine. Mandisi: its not about taking sides. Me: mandisi dont petronise me..did you suddenly realise some hidden feelings for her.have you fallen inlove with her because she is supposedly caring your baby hmm. What!! Mandisi: no,no!! Me: i dont wanna be waisting my time here mandisi m serious nxn.make up your mind cause i wont take this shit of yours. Mandisi: dont raise your voice at me. Me: i wont let you take me for a fool.inspite of what you did i still came back to you.dont expect me to be ohk with it neh. Mandisi: i axcepted the fact that sisipho is not my kid,i treat bheki with respect why cant you do the same with sindi. Me: dont i respect her,do i live with he in our lives dont you dare compare our situations cause they arent the same. Mandisi: to you yes,cause you want to be right at all times,m tired can i sleep. Me: do you hear what you saying.mandisi are you sane. Mandisi: i dont wanna fight please. Me: if you think i did the wrong thing by renting sindi that flat cause you wanted her close by why dont you go and move in with her and see if you will find me back here. Mandisi: stop treathning me about that if you wanna leave then go. Tjo i have had enough,what ever sindi did really took away my man from me. I slowly dosed of trying my best not to cry.i finally zoned out. I woke up while mandisi was showering.i went to the other bathroom washed my face and teeth and went to prepare breakfast as usuall i made lunch also for him. He came down after a while. Me: heres your food. Mandisi: m already late,ll buy something to eat. Me: whats the rush. Mandisi: i have to get sindi. Me: why dont she catch a cab. Mandisi: thandaza ngyeke please m gone. He grabbed his lunch and went out. M slowly loosing him to this fraudster of a woman who is using a fake pregnancy to lure him,and my stupid baby obcessed husband dont see a thing. M slowly loosing hope of ever getting back to where we were with mandisi..i loved him but seriously i wont be second best.i dont think i can tolerate such shit.sindi is busy bossing him around and who knows what they have been talking about when going or coming from work. I slowly sat down and reality finally kicked in. Marriage is not for the faint hearted.its tough.. Goodnight bantu neh.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 19:48:24 +0000

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