Insert ....[36] Dr Keerath: Good day Amber. Ndethuka. how on - TopicsExpress


Insert ....[36] Dr Keerath: Good day Amber. Ndethuka. how on earth did she know that name ? Me: Uhm, Hi, doc. Dr Keerath: I will refer to you as Amber because I cant quite pronounce your first name, is that alright with you ? Me: Uhm, yeah its fine. DR Keerath: Okay then cool please take a seat. I pulled the chair opposite her and sat down. DR Keerath: so it says here that you cant walk ? Me: Uhm, yeah I just started walking again yesterday . Dr Keerath: Thats amazing. Me: yes. Dr keerath: So tell me about your parents. Me: Parents ? Dr keerath: Yes, your mom and dad ? Me: I dont have parents. Dr Keerath: What do you mean you dont have parents ? Me: Uhm, my mom died when giving birth to me and Justin left me too. DR Keerath: Who is justin ? Me: The man who was supposed to be my father. DR Keerath: What do you mean by that ? Me: JUst that. dR Keerath: Okay, how do you feel about him leaving you ? Me: I dont know. DR Keerath: how come you dont know ? Me: Probably because I dont care. DR keerath: Do you hate him ? Me: Yes. DR Keerath: Why ? Me: The very same reason why I shouldnt love him. DR Keerath: Which is ? Me: He left me at a time I needed him the most, he hated me for something I had completely no control over, I was just a little, tiny, fragile girl who had just become motherless and he chose to make me fatherless too. When I wanted to tell him all that was bothering me, which is simply everything he wasnt there. he- I stopped, my breath was in tiny gulps as though I was suffocating, it felt like I couldnt breathe, my chest was paining, as if i was closing and squeezing my lungs which made it hard for me to breathe. I realised that I was crying when she handed me a tissue. I wiped my eyes and blew my nose. Dr Keerath: Keep going. Me: Where ? Dr keerath: The JUstin story, tell me, he what ? Me: actually, Im finished. I dont want to talk about him. She wrote something down. DR Keerath: Thats it for today, well talk again tomorrow. Me: Okay. DR Keerath: In the meantime please relax, attend physio and oh Ill have dr Miller do another x-ray okay ? Me: oKay. DR Keerath: you can go. Me: Thank you. She smiled and I saw my self out. Busie and Thabile were waiting for me. Busie: Cheer up mayne. Me: NO im cool. Busie: Sure dont look like it. I shrugged my shoulders. Thabile: I know it aint easy and it wont be I promise you, but you will walk out of here a changed person because in as much as all your wounds will be out in the open, you will surely heal, in time. Me: Im just emotionally drained, thats all. Busie: So anyone up for ice cream. Thabile: You bet ! Me: Ill meet you at the ward. Busie: Haibo arent you coming with ? Me: Im tired, I just wanna lie down a little. Thabile: Then in that case well go with you when youre feeling okay. Me: dont be ridiculous hambani, Ill be okay. Busie: Actually, I agree with her. Me: hee am I ever gonna win this conversation ? Them: Hell no ! I laughed and we all headed to the ward. We got there and I went to take a bath then wore the same pyjamas I was wearing. Thabile: Nam ndifuna uyohlamba ketana yazi. Me: Qha ? Thabile: Ndiyonqena dude. Me: hee hayike. Just then my three favourite people walked in. :) Anathi: Hey Munchie. Me: heee yehake munchie. Senzo: How are you doing pumpkin ? Me: Hayibo whats up with the name thingy anyways ? Anathi: Were just happy to see you thats all. Me: hmm... hows my princess doing ? Asanda: Im doing fine sis Ukuhle and you ? Me: Im fabulous sthandwa sam...hows school ? Asanda: School is fine I even made a new friend today. Me: hayi wena na ngubani igama lakhe ? Asanda: her name is Lungile sisi. Senzo: Sounds like a guy name. Asanda: Its not a guy duh ! we all laughed. Me: besides whats wrong with guys ? Asanda: hayibo sis Ukuhle I dont play with boys mna and I dont like boys. Senzo; why ? Asanda: JUst because boys must play with boys and girls must play with girls. Me: Thats my girl. Senzo: And oh I brought you this. He handed me a big shopping bag. Me: Whats in here ? Senzo a couple of things youll need. Anathi: Youll never need again if you ask me. Me: Yoh hayi nam ndiyabona ntanga this is quite alot. Senzo: I didnt know what to get you kaloku and Anathi wasnt quite a help anyway. Me: Ndiyamazi kesana ibangathi uhamba wedwa ngoku ekhona. Anathi: And youd just swear Im not here. we laughed. Me: Thanks Senzo hey. Senzo: My pleasure. Asanda: sis Ukuhle I got you this. she took out a small book in her schoolbag. Me: Whats this ke my princess ? Asanda: Its a diary, you can write anything you want especially things you dont want to forget. Me: Wow ! Ive never had this before and its pretty cool. Asanda: I have it too. Me: Thank you my princess. Asanda: I love you sis Ukuhle wam. Me: I love you too my princess. I hugged her ...
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 16:48:05 +0000

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