Insert 37 Yima Ndive Kakuhle..!!! The 2nd Prince is 10 The - TopicsExpress


Insert 37 Yima Ndive Kakuhle..!!! The 2nd Prince is 10 The 1st Prince is 8 And Mr Masculine is 7!! Second Prince Yangena ICherry Ehlala e KTC, one Of The Hottest Chicks e WSU, ezithe Black umntwana Engasemhle Maarn!! The SecOnd Prince 8.. Haha Yathi Gqi intwana Yam ingase Hline...!! It was Anele.. She Rocked Red and Black that night, ndaphambana, I jumped To the stage, intloni zaziza Mva Kum that day! I was Soo excited shame...!! Lanty watsho ekhwaza and MR Masculine iS 7...!! I had No voice anymore and I was Actually standin on stage, welcomin I Boi yam, she RoCked Red! All Red.. It was Liya..! With all the Joy I jumped Up and Down, nabo ke bengase Excited bezenza serious ngeyona Ndlela..!! That was One of The Best nights we Had..!! Soo Liya nd Anele took the Shit, we were Rich qha One!! We Were actually R4500 Rich..!! We Were all excited shame, And It did give my dawgs the spotlight, after behlikile on Stage 2 chicks came over To them, and Offered to buy them Cigerettes! Haha zawina intwana zam kumnandi Mos, they exchanged numbers kwa Grand! We went to our Room bought lots and lotsa weed! Smoked our lungs out, besi Celebrater Mos! Asavela Was Now With us, and She told us A little Ngaye And One Thing, we Were All Common in was Smoking, Fvck we Smoked!! Life seemed smooth yaz, everything is going our way, and we Believed that we Run Phulo Res, we Did phofu, every one knew Eza Zitabane Zihlala E Phulo!! We didnt mind that, aba xoki mos, Thimna Was Still around and naye she enjoys le enviroment, Gayness alok..!! Soo at school I have a mom and dad.. Who are lesbians,! I shared somethings nabo and in times of trouble bendiya kubo, they resided e Chumani Res, so Paps called me! Paps: Nyana thers an lgbti Dinner ngomso, please Come ne Skeem sakho, wear Formal.. And Bring dates..!!! Me: ok Paps..! She Dropped!! YeR nkosi yam ndizoy thathaph I date, I thought to my self! Yooh ngath kusazoba mnandi apha..! I told the others and Everyone was Excited! But sonke besine Problems ze Date!! Liya asked U Precious That she be Her Date, yooh better them! Anele would take lihle, but lihle and Mavinqi baya Goduka tommorw! Soo it will be precious and Liya, then the rest of us we Riding Solo..!! Hahahaha! Thimna had left soo I called her nd told, she told shell come but she needs a date, shell take Anele nd Asavela both, soo much she likes being Bosso, haha ufuna 2 yonke! That was cool! Soo now beyi ndim nd Asanda who ddnt have dates! Me: Asanda ntwana Indoda Ne Ndoda Kuzo mele Iphande, nd as For me, Ill never Go alone! Ndatsho ndicinga, ther were actually a lot of people I would ask, ayabulela, Lanty etc! Asanda yena She didnt want any date, she had hoped to find a date there, some1 new and fresh! Tshisa Asanda!! So I finally came to a decision, Ill ask Esihle and she is Relevent indeed!! We were goofed when all of this happend, soo I was Going to ask her when I have soberd a little, we chilled outside till late, then sangena endlin.. Sonke..!! I took my phone and logged ku bBM, ndaya ku Esihle! Me: babe please be my Date, tommorw! Thers an lgbti workshop dinner sumthin tommorw vha, please dont say no, I know awuzthand izinto, Wear formal love you bye, Ill fetch you ngo 9 ekseni! I blowed her I kiss ndaphuma ku bbm! On the side the girls were fixing I outfits za ngomso, nam I stood and checked on what Ill wear..!! Yangena I message ku BBm, I logged! Esihle had Replied! Her: Ill wear blue, dont be late :)! Perfect..andasa vuya..!! For that we had to celebrate nge Blunt, sa Lighta we Got holy for the last time and we Slept, Sonke kulondlu incinci!! We slept saphaphama late, indi caphukisa Ngalonto ke I Herb, ivukisa Late, it was Somthing To 8.. Event uya qala ngo 10 and Sibanintsi..!! We fixed our selves up, Anele nd Asavela went to fetch Thimna, I on the other hand went to KTC res and fEtched my lady! She Came out, Yoooooh Ive never seen such beauty, her legs! Yoooh I was soo excited! Soo I took her, sahamba! She was glowing aphe ndleleni we met with the others sayo fika kula boardroom beku hostelwa kuyo, we had a verry Jongising entrance, yooh aya thandwa sana amehlo zezi zisithi! Sangena and we found our sits! Besi late shame, sifike seku gqitywa!! We got to know other lesbos and gays ofcause it was a verry wonderful experience! Took pictures... And it was Fun, they had Bought wine, so we Dined and tipsy nje.. Said our goodbyes and left!! Aphe ndlelen besesino Mfutho that we Have To get drunk one way or onother, soo saqond asisa Qali kwase Ndlin singqala espar, but Esihle had Problems with her heels, so I was going to give her my Taylors anxibe zona!! So mna Naye saqala endlini..!! She was A Little drunk.. And fresh!! Sangena endlini and she locked, we didnt say much I took of izhlangu ndamnika wanxiba soo I offerd to help her Tie them! Ndithe xandisukuma our lips met and we kissed!! Yooh honestly all my life akekho umntu owakhe wandi ncamisa kamnandi uko gqitha u Esihle, I got turned on, sisa qala nje!! We kissed and one thing led to onother, her: Ayanda Im a virgin! Me: Really?? I want it to be special..! Me: I am special aint I? I was Yur first love after all, sahleka! Wanxiba we didnt go on with it!! I respected her, so We chilled nje sancokola! Me: shall we leave? Her: I dont want to.. Me: Nam andfuni..!! Sajongana emehlweni..!! Satsibelana and we kissed, Turned On! Yooh...!!! I put her to bed, re moved the pillows! And we Made Love..!! PG18 SN.. I wont get into much details..! But with Esihle it did feel special!! Ive always loved her nd Honestly ndisa khula I also wanted her to be my first but hEY lifes screws us all!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 09:18:14 +0000

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