Insert 41 Hayyii ke 3 hours of Travelling, me and Lwazi - TopicsExpress


Insert 41 Hayyii ke 3 hours of Travelling, me and Lwazi eventually fell asleep nje, well considering i was pregnant it didnt take me quite a while nje to just pass out. Nasesingena in nelspruit Lwazi woke me up. Lwazi: Sweety vuka sesifikile Me: (yawning) hmnn mngan fast sona? Lwazi: (laughing) i guess you were enjoying your beauty sleep ke wena. I had a South African simcard already which was going to make things a bit easier for us, and also having friends around Nelspruit was just double the blessing. Nasesitongen right in town i called some friend of mine who had a flat around town. Now this girl was just plain raw and she only aces guys that have money, if you dont have money, whuu shem forget that you will even smell her, she got a white man as her boyfirend and the guy gives her everything, pays for the flat, her bills, her groceires, and to top of the cake, bought her car. She has always been telling me to visit and how she misses me so when i called her she was just over the moon. Kgomotso: hello Me: hey bbe, its Zandile Kgomotso: (screaming over the phone) my lovings ukuphi?? Please tell me you are in neslpruit please. Me: yeah im in nelspruit khani ngingena nje lana Kgomotso: (screaming) im coming to get you, where? Me: Right in town hun, kule stradi sase woolworths Kgomotso: im coming now now. Nolwazi was very excited, i ws shocked nje cause most girls get jealous when you want them to meet your other friends. My Lwazi was just different and i loved her for that. Nolwazi: nguban lomgan wakho Me: ngu kgomotso i promise you you will like her. Nolwazi: does she party?? Me: yeahh she does kakhulu Nolwazi: yhahh well i like her already. Instead of just looking lost sangena kubo Edgars and well Nolwazi got herself a mini dress and bought me a t-shirt, then Kgomotso called. Me: hello bbe? Kgomotso: where are u wena? Me: inside Edgars Kgomotso: hayyii tana ke wena phofu soze wa changer nhe? Izimpahla uyazithanda Me: okay sesiyaphuma ke my darling. Now i noticed that the car ya Kgomotso lengiyijwayele is not parked out there, and then suddenly she came out of a red GTI, if i knew cars i would explain more but ke well kumnayama ebswen benkawu. She approached us and hugged me for days whuuu and then she hugged Nolwazi, see now i love a person who sees kutsi you are with someone and gives you the hug and also hugs the other person it only makes sense not to sideline my friend. They just clicked completely and then i was getting jealous, they clicked before i even introduced them. Kgomotso: molweni? Me: hahhh asikuva tsine kuts utsin Nolwazi: wow ungumXhosa? Kgomotso: ewe laloku, yazi uZandile hlezi acomplainer about me speaking Isixhosa and nami hlezi ngicomplainer about Isiswati sakhe so we mix xasithetha. Nolwazi: i love isixhosa hey i was always hoping nje i could meet someone losikhulumako. Kgomotso: yimina ke Ntombi i will teach you. Ye skat sami you came together from Eswazini? Me: yebo this is my friend Nolwazi , Lwazi lona ngu Kgomotso nangisahlala la nelspruit besihlala in the same flat. Kgomotso: ahhuu kuzzoba mnandi mosi apha. Lets go to my flat sohlala khona so u can tell me how long youre staying. Me: yes. Now i knew Kgomotso was some kind of party animal and ke well she had now stocked tons and tons of aclohol Kgomotso: ningamindi le beer nhe? Its oursto drink, Nothando right? Nolwazi: no dear Nolwazi. Kgomotso: whuu sorry darly, Nolwazi uya sela andithi? Nolwazi: yebo ofcourse nje. Kgomotso: usela ntoni? Nolwazi: hunters dry and any other cider lekhona Kgomotso: nabo ke tjwala lapha ungasela nantoni na oyithandako, i mixed a bit of everything nje apho. We got to her flat, and yha this girl is living like a queen, yes she has a job but as a receptionist for some company, so the white man was just like a bonus cause emzansi phela reciptionists bayahhola no joke. Two bedroomed apartment, the space was lovely, she clearly had everything she needed. We sat together and we were all catching up, i felt like it was only right to mention to her that i needed that clinic. And in all honesty when i told her about it she didnt encourage it and she didnt discourage it either. Kgomotso: yazi ntoni nhe? Having a baby is a huge step, if awukho employed umntana uzodlani? What if the daddy of the baby runs away ke? Its sad when you have to rely on other people for support Nolwazi: yha thats true hey, and ke her parents are monster parents. Kgomotso: ngiyamazi uma wakhe, when they would visit when we stayed together they would emphasize that point of pregnancy and boys and going out nje. Kgomotso: mine all i say is do what you think is best for you we will make a baby shower for you if you keep it we wont run away from you, and also if you decide to take it away nalapho we will hold your hand. Akukho easy vele youre 21 still young you have a future ahead of you. Now i knew what i had to do, and well we just went on drinking and chatting. Kgomotso: yourl are sleeping here right? Il prepare the pare room.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 05:49:11 +0000

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