#Insert 42 ****** RT- You still love each other. BK- Come - TopicsExpress


#Insert 42 ****** RT- You still love each other. BK- Come on dude. RT- Im serious bro. BK- Rea doesnt love me, not anymore. RT- But you love her.? BK- No.. RT- Look me in the eye and tell me that you dont love her. BK- Dude, even if.. If I loved her, I doesnt matter now. RT- Why dont you tell her.? BK- Becos I dont. RT- Owk. Look me in the eye and say it. (I couldnt look him in the eye and lie to him. I did love Reatlegile, I loved her a lot. But then.. She moved on and she loves her boyfriend, I dont want to confuse her or ruin her relationship for my stupid feelings. RT was really serious and I kept looking away.) RT- You cant do it, becos you do love her. BK- It doesnt matter Ratanang.. She moved on and she doesnt love me anymore. RT- I really like Tebza, the guy she is seeing but.. I like you even more, not becos your my best friend but becos your whats best for her. BK- RT, Rea didnt date Tebza just for fun, she loves him. RT- What makes you think she doesnt love you.? BK- I think I should leave. RT- She is gonna be mad at me for driving you away. BK- Lawl. That wasnt funny. RT- Hide, I will tell her your gone. BK- Your actually being for real.? RT- Yep. Just to show you that she.. BK- Dont.. RT- Hide.. BK- Fine.. (I hid behind the vase and she came after a few seconds.) Rea- Wheres BK.? RT- He left. Rea- What.? RT- Sorry.. Rea- What did you do.? What did you say Ratanang.? RT- Im kidding, he went to the bathroom. Rea- You were dead, Im kidding. RT- Your not kidding. Rea- Whats the meaning of that.? RT- Nothing.. Rea- Creep. Im gonna charge my cell phone. RT- Hurry, supper is ready. Rea- Yes sir. (She went back upstairs and I went back to Ratanang.. I wasnt gonna go back if I could, just to avoid his I told you so.) BK- Dont.. Dont say it. RT- Owk. But.. BK- Uh Uh. Ratanang.. RT- Sorry bro. (We sat down, Rea came back and sat down too.) BK- I heard you were looking for me. Rea- Where did you hear that.? BK- Rumours.. Is it true.? (I looked at her, she couldnt look me in the eye. Her eyes were everywhere like a guilty criminal at court.) Rea- Umm, I was just wondering where you are. RT- You seemed more than just wondering. Rea- Come on brother. RT- Rea, do you still love BK..? (The hell is wrong with Reatlegiles brother, how can he ask her that question.? She almost choked..) Rea- What.? BK- I should.. RT- You aint going nowhere. Rea.? Rea- Umm, why do you ask that.? BK and I broke up a long time ago. BK- Yeah. And we both moved on. RT- Owk.. I was just asking, out of curiosity. Rea- Next time dont. RT- Desert.? BK- Im good. Rea- Yeah, me too. Im gonna do the dishes. RT- Alright. (She got up and took the dishes.) BK- You need help.? Rea- No. You have helped me too much, but thank you so much. BK- Alright, cool. (She went to wash the dishes and came back.) BK- I should go. Rea- Now..? BK- Yeah. It is 10pm now.. Rea- Yeah. RT- That akward moment when she doesnt want him to leave. (We both looked at him like What the fvck.?.) RT- I should shut up. BK- Good idea. RT- We still gonna chill tomorrow right.? BK- Eish, Im having lunch with Keketso.. Sorry. RT- Oh.. Sharp boy. BK- Rea.. Rea- Hmm.. Bye. (I left. I didnt wanna mention Keketso in her presence. I just wished she knew how much I love her and how much seeing her kills me. It made my love for her stronger thats why Iv been avoiding her. The problem is, I couldnt do it anymore, I couldnt be without her. When I found that guy ontop of her, I was fuming, I wanted to kill that bastard. When she asked me to stop, I realised that it was better to let him live than to go to jail and leave her.) ** REAs POV ** (He left and I missed him the second he exited the house. What was wrong with me.? Well, I still loved him so much, I was inlove with him. The problem was, he was now with Keketso and he oviously loved her. I was also dating Tebza who was a angel and whom I loved but not like him.. Not like Bokamoso. Seeing him made things worse, It made my feeling for him stronger. RT and I went to sleep since it was very late. I asked him to call BK and check if he made it home safe, I wanted nothing to happen to him. RT spoke to him and I could now.. Tebza.. I switched on my phone and found 40missed calls from him. Oh my goodness, he must be so worried and Im here thinking about.. I called him back and it went to voicemail.) Rea- Tebza, I am so so sorry. I .. It is a long story, but Im fine now. I got help before he could.. Umm, try to.. We will talk when you come back. Im just glad you didnt come back for me and let your future go. Im sorry for keeping quite and please call me when you get this. I would really love to hear your voice. Im sorry again for keeping quite. Good night babe.. Dream.. Sweet dreams. Bye. (I hung up and fell asleep. I woke up the next day, bathed and had breakfast. I sat in the gardern and read my book. It was now 14H00, I went to make lunch and someone knocked. I went to open.) Rea- ..:o.:o. Person- Suprise.. #Reh..
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 17:21:45 +0000

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