Insert 44 :D Me: Nooo I have to see my son Anele: Nooo babe we - TopicsExpress


Insert 44 :D Me: Nooo I have to see my son Anele: Nooo babe we shouldnt allow her what if she does something to our little Uzzi Me: Anele dont you dare me yangizwa!!! Ndkubetha! Ill rearrange your face and send you to heaven not even God will be able to identify you ... Anele: Doctor you cant allow her! See shes violent Doctor: Miss Lebo Im sorry but you cant come in And he left :( :(.... Im not allowed to see my one and only son :o :o :( I started crying, ndva kuba uyehla umthungo... Yoooh bendlila ngoku ebephuma lomtwana!!! I was in pain Yoooh Thank God Sphe was there Sphe: Doctor Doctor we need help... Anele wama nje wandbonga kakubi mxm... The doctors examined me hhay ibiJumpile... They took me to the casualty... ebephuma shame lomtwana... USphe was so supportive ebendbambe izandla endthulisa :) :) Few minutes later my baby boy was born... God blessed me with another son:) :D angasonwabule USphe bakith :) :) I had to rest afta birth cause I was feeling so weak, plus I was stressed... The following day Sphe came Him: hey beautiful, how are you feeling today? Me: lil better Him: I have news that will make you feel awesome and faboulous babe Me: mmmmm interesting Him: Uzzi is doing just fine now Me: nyani :) that is so awesome... I wish I could see my son :/ Sphe: babe, so whats our Sons name? Me: Ive got a lot babe Yoooh Sphe: what about S.j Me: S.j :/ hhay booh udlala ngosana lwam... Him: noo babe Im serious Me: Sj for what? him: Siphephelo Junior Me: Lol :v :v youre kidding right? Him: Im actually serious Me: Sj Mnqobi Maneli Him: I love that :) He leaned over and kissed my forehead... For the very first time, I felt the connection kimina noSphe its like he was literally touching my heart... I must admit, I love my ex husband A month later... life was good... Sj was growing Yoooh engasemhlophe umntanam ebefana noUzZi, youd swear kuba bazalwa utata omunye :/... Anyway, Uzzi was officially fine, he was out of hospital, ebezacile umntanam shame :( ibindlilisa lento... Well I had no choice bendFuna ukumthatha umntanam but I Couldnt cause Im a bad mother so they say... How could I possible try to kill my own flesh bakwethu hhay ngeke... UYoli ebendxelela ukuba life is getting worse laphana... UUzzi akahleli kakuhle :( Her: hhay sis andthandi ukukhuluma kodwa UUZZI akahleli kakuhle :(... Me: yoli kwenzakalani? Her: sis uAnele akanathando lwezingane wazi ukubhema nokunxila nje... Yaz yesterday I found Uzzi at the kitchen ezama ukuthinta izinto and sTove was On cabanga... Last week Uzzi had bruises and I asked wath uAnele Mandnake umsebenzi wami (tears poured down my face, I wasnt a great mom to Uzzi at first, but Ill never lay a hand on him, nomatter what and Ill never be so careless!!!) Yaz andZi kuba ndense njani I decided to call Sizwe Luckily he answered Him: ufunani? Me: Hello Sizwe can I please see my son tomorrow Him: khohlwa! Me: please Sizwe Him: hhay Lebo Me: Sizwe please... Him: I dont want you near my son cause I wouldnt know kuba Wenzani kusana lwam :( So Im not allowed to see my son ngoku? :/ :( Me: Sizwe ndkucela please Him: okey Ill talk to my fiancee first Me: Enkosi He hung up... Yoooh!! :o A day later... Sizwe called wath ndze, but uzobakhona naye noAnele, well I dont mind as long as I see my son I drove to Sizwes place, I arrived there bendhamba noSj :D... The kids were so happy to see me, even Onele likes me :) :) UUZZI was over the moon, ebonwabile shame ubaby wami :) :) Me: Sanibonani Sizwe: hey (Anele didnt say anything vele bendngafuni kuba asho lutho...) Well I stayed there with the kids and they were super excited, sebekhulile shame aboBaby :) Onele is so pretty ufuna nomama wakhe... Sike sadlala nobaby than Anele called Uzzi and Onele kube bayotya... They have these cute bowls ekaUzzi inoBen 10 than ekaOnele inoBarbie :) :) well they know kuba Utya ukulala plate belongs to who... uOnele ate her food waqgiba UUZZI didnt eat I guess he was too excited... Saqubeka sahlala nje kwiGarden sadlala... An hour later... Onele cried wath shes hungry again... Me: baby ungalili sesibuyela endindlin uyeva? Uzotya wena girl... Well I took them sana endlini we sat down elOunge than I told Onele kuba ethatha ukutya kwaUzzi etye khona... She took the food wena sahlala nathi... SIzwe came and joined us... Mxm... Yazi I hate this nigger I really do the moment he came nje I wanted to leave... I was sitting with all the kids kwiCouch eyodwa... Anele came and joined us as well, How great!!! Mxm... her: Hhay booh Onele Utya ukutya kwaUzzi Me: Hhay wethu akunanxaki, I will order pizza for them, Onele was hungry so I gave her ukutya kwaUzzi Uzzi smiled :) :) what a great brother Anele started screaming and shouting, wathatha Iplate walilahla lena kude and she took Onele She was screaming ngoku and I was completely lost Yoooh Me: Anele whats up kanti Sizwe: babe whats wrong She couldnt talk, she took her car keys wathatha uOnele Sizwe: Babe talk to me Anele started her car washo ehamba... Honestly I was lost ngabe kwenzakalani? Sizwe: Lebo please come with me, I cant leave my son alone, lets follow her Im worried about my fiancee... I didnt argue I took Sj and Uzzi sakhwela emotweni kaSiZwe sahamba I didnt know kuba kuyiwaphi, I was scared ngoku, ndcinga nje... What if theyre planning this kanye they wanna kill me somewhere somehow... I started praying silently... Anele was driving like a mad woman Me: Sizwe whats up Him: heeey andZi nami mfondini Along the way, Anele stopped, she stormed out... Sizwe wama naye, She was screaming her lungs out!!! She held her head ekhala umuntu Her: Nooo Nooo Nooo!!! My daughter my only child Nooo!!! Sizwe stormed out of his car he went inside Aneles car Sizwe: Nooo!! He was crying I was so confused ngoku kwenzakalani? I slowly opened the door... Ndhamba I couldnt believe what I saw... Baby Onele was dying, ebephuma some white bubbles emakhaleni nasemlonyeni :( and she was bleeding) ... Me: Shes still breathing asambeni eHospital... Sizwe took the first aid kit from his car, hes a doctor kodwa hhay keh he was confused that day he didnt know what to do... I took my babies ndxelela uAnele kuba akakhwele sihambise umntanam eHospital... Her: Shes dead Lebo ufile umntanam... Me: Nooo Anele Yoooh ebelila shame But what could possibly be wrong with baby Onele :(... We arrived at the hospital, I was shouting and screaming for help Me: help some body help Me, heeeeelp!!! Finally the doctors came baSinceda Yoooh it was hectic haaaaah... Few hours later... Anele: Ill never forgive myself if Onele dies, Ill never, I I I di... Me: Shhhh Anele its not you fault its not, Dont lose hope shell make it Her: what if... Me: dont you dare think about it... I hugged her so tightly, Yoooh ebelila ngoku, nami besendlila ngoku... As much As I hate Anele seeing her torn apart like that wasnt great... I hate her with all of my heart shame, kodwa keh she doesnt deserve ukulahlekelwa umtwana... The doctor came out... Aaaay it doesnt look good Him: Im sorry, but Onele didnt make it, we tried but we couldnt... Sizwe was crying... AndKaze ndbone indoda ilila ngolohlobo :(... It was just a sour moment Anele was screaming nje yena Her: Nooo :( I killed my own daughter! Nooooo :( Doctor: She ate some poisonous thing, and it was too strong, vele Yaya kumaLungs akhe and it was hard for her to breathe, plus this poison caused some internal bleeding... We tried, but We couldnt Im sorry... Yoooh :o :o I was crying ngoku... What!! :o :o :o Onele is gone, just like that!!! Anele: Lord forgive me, I know Im a sinner, but taking my only joy, my only happiness... Lord I promise Ill do everything right if I could get another chance please lord bring back my child Yoooh she was praying elila lomuntu shame... Me: Anele dont blame yourself Her: how can I possibly not blame myself, I killed her I did...ndfake pOison ekutyeni kwaUzzi and she ate it... I killed my own daughter What!!! :o :o :o
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 18:18:20 +0000

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