#Insert 52 ********* (I felt like everything was going to be - TopicsExpress


#Insert 52 ********* (I felt like everything was going to be alright after all.. Our hug lasted so long and I wished it didnt have to end.. He kissed my neck and bit my ear.. Ahhh!!!.:p. If only we were not in Khutsos house.;). He whispered to my ear..) BK- I love you.. (That soft voice, one that made me love him alot more.. I heard the door open and I figured it was one of my parents.. BK and I let go of each other so quick.. Both my parents came in.. They looked suprised to see BK here..) Mom- Oh, hello.. BK- Mrs B.. Dad- We didnt know you were back.. BK- Umm, it was school related.. Mom- Hmm.. Alright, we will leave you two.. Dad- Yes, good night.. BK- Good night sir.. (They went upstairs.. Phew!! Atleast they didnt cause a scene.. BK and I smiled after they left..) Rea- So.. When am I gonna see you again.? BK- I dont know.. But were not done with the reseach, it will probably be before four months.. Rea- I guess I must thank the reseach.. BK- Yes, Rea, I wanna know.. Rea- Know what.? BK- Are you gonna be able to be faithful to me.? Rea- Wow.. Am I really that much of a jerk.? BK- I was just asking babe.. Rea- Yes, Ive been faithful when we were not together.. So, it wont be hard now.. BK- Good.. You must tell those boys to keep their paws off you, your mine.. Rea- Wow, you also tell that to those girls.. And Tshenolo.. BK- Yes mam.. Rea- I love you.. BK- I love you too baby, I love you so much more.. (We hugged again.. I just couldnt stop smiling..) BK- Umm, I have to go.. Rea- Yeah, been trying to get that out of my head.. BK- So, I will see you soon.. Rea- Umm, yeah.. BK- And I guess I cant kiss you.. Rea- No.. But I can steal a kiss.. BK- And mom finds us.. Rea- No, mom doesnt have to find out.. BK- Yeah.? (He said that with a smile, showing that tiny hole on his cheek.. Goodness, guy was really handsome.. I went closer to him and got his shirt..) Rea- Yeah.. (I went up and bit and gave him a kiss.. I looked up the stairs and smiled..) Rea- Im gonna miss you.. BK- Im going to miss you too.. Rea- Sharp.. BK- I love you babe.. Rea- I love you too, Future.. (We hugged again, we both didnt want to let go of each other.. The way he held on tight to me said it all.. He kissed my forehead and let go of me.. Slowly.. He opened the door and said, vey quitly..) BK- Love you.. (I blowed a kiss to him and he left.. I took one deep breath and thought to my self.. This is it, I never want to break up with him again, ever.. I had to make sure that I dont mess up.. I went to my room and slept with a very happy heart.. I woke up Sunday morning, bathed and had breakfast.. After breakfast, we all went to church and the service was really great.. I never noticed that I missed church so much.. After the closing prayer, there was a meeting and my parents were attending.. RT and I waited for them in the car, we just talked and talked.. The thought of him leaving the next day was still penetrating my thoughts.. It was a bit fun just chilling with my brother at church.. We talked about everything, as in like everything.. The meeting was on for a long time and we got hungry, we drove to the mall and got something to eat.. While we were eating..) RT- You eat a lot this days.. Rea- Ehem.. Yeah, I even sleep a lot.. RT- Oh.. Rea, you sure you never, you know, with someone.? Rea- I never, I know, with who.? RT- I dont know.. I mean, your like glowing.. Rea- Oh, thats so sweet.. Thank you big brother, it is so sweet that you can see when I become more gorgeous.. RT- Mmm.. Well, I hope that is not caused by a mini someone.. Rea- Im not pregnant, Ratanang.. Im serious, I even took the test.. RT- Wow.. You did what.? Rea- Yeah.. I wanted to know, it is not everytime that a girl eats too much, throws up in the morning and glows.. RT- Oh, most girls glows after a good night sleep with no sleep.. Rea- And what is the meaning of that.? RT- Nothing.. Im just saying, I didnt hear Bokamoso leave last night.. Rea- Wow.. You think I slept with him.? RT- No, why would I think that.? Rea- Because you always think stupid things.. RT- Mm.. Well, not this time.. Rea- Good.. RT- So, umm, did you.? Rea- What.?! RT- Im just asking, you know what they say.? When a person is guilty, you will see by their actions.. Rea- No! RT, I didnt sleep with BK.. RT- No, you didnt.. Rea- Yes.. So, can we not talk about this.? RT- Sure.. Umm, did you see Kels yesterday.? Rea- Yeah.. He wanted to tell me.... He wanted to tell me something... RT- Didnt he.? Rea- No, BK came and Kels left without telling me.. RT- Ok, but what did he want to tell you.? Rea- Thats what Im wondering.. I even forgot about him.. RT- Wow.. BK does know how to do you.. Rea- Mxm.. I need to talk to Kels.. RT- I agree.. But first, we need to finish all this before mom and dad come.. Rea- Yeah, baby.:D. #Reh..
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 09:43:54 +0000

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