Insert 57 I lost track of time thats how long Ive been kept. My - TopicsExpress


Insert 57 I lost track of time thats how long Ive been kept. My phone really wasnt working but that dark skinned fella I told you about took it. He said he didnt wanna take risks. I was fed the same thing for breakfast lunch and supper. Chips, BROWN bread and orange juice. I was even gaining weight , I mean A lot of it that I started makin my own exercises inside there not that there was anything else I could do. I entertained myself in every way but as I ran out of ways and got tired of them I got really bored. Where is everyone?? Why doesnt nobody care?? Why hasnt anyone come to my rescue?? Was I really that unimportant that everyone just moved on with their lives even after hearing about my disappearance?? Thoughts like that made me depressed. Really they did. Then Mr Mpho came in. I pretended to be asleep. Him: Ugh get a new trick. Youve used that too many times. I just kept quiet. Him: I have food. I woke up so quickly and I faced him. He laughed at me so much that he even fell on the floor. I looked around and there was nothin. There was no food or anything :( Him: Urata didyo (You love food) Me: Mxm. I went back to pretending I was asleep. Him: Hawu baby Me: Im not your baby. Him: Well sweetheart thats not your decision to make. Me: It isnt? He said nothing he just brushed my face. Him: People that dont co operate upset me Nhlori. I would hate seeing you being one of them. Me: Ugh not everything will go your way. Him: I know that and Im aware but as for you bein mine.... Ill make sure of that even if its the last thing I do. Me: Well see about that. Then he gave me that warning look. He looked quiet serious and I swallowed hard. Him: Why are you doing this to yourself? Me: Im doing jack to myself. I just feel disappointed that nobody is looking for me. He laughed abit. Him: Are you kidding me?!? Everybody out there is goin insane. Mike told em nuthing. You know why??? Coz we did the very same thing we gon do to you on the last day. I mean youve seen too much and Ive told you too much to let you go... just like that. Me: Youre pig. Him: Im your pig. I looked the other way. That bustard should go to hell... He deserves it BIG TIME. Me:You may call me yours anyday but Ill never call you mine even if you drugged me. He smiled slyly Him: That sounds like an idea. Then the dark fella came in. Darkie: M-p. We should get goin. Mpho: Argh Maarn Puseletso cant it wait?? Letso: Ah ndonda you see now? I dont have all day. Mpho: What its not like we can leave her here unattended. Luzuko is local and Im pretty sure we both know what hes looking for. Letso: Speaking of that.... I think we need to tighten up security. This guy is ruining every plan we have. Mpho: Meaning?! Letso: He knows what we look like and its only a matter of time until he finds out wher exactly weve kept his sweetheart. Mphos reaction changed. Mpho: I thought he dumped her. Letso: Thought so too. He probably still got feelings for her. Mpho: challenge accepted. Good night bho mabebeza
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 17:49:56 +0000

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