Insert #6 I literally froze there, I even felt like crying . - TopicsExpress


Insert #6 I literally froze there, I even felt like crying . You know that feeling when you are alone and you feel like everyone is staring at you and calling you names and everything, some people even laugh and you are unsure if they are laughing at you or maybe their stuff. Mara usually you think you.... That feeling was unpleasant. I felt a person walking towards my direction. I could see the yellow colours, I could tell the person was also a prefect. I looked at her and she was quite pretty. She was dark nyana and she had dimples. When she saw me her expression changed from giggles to mean. Her: um askies..... are you looking at me? I was unsure of what she meant Me: what? Her: Sorry did you just what me? I could hear people laughing at me others going like yoooooooh. Her: He nana look at me and take a damn good look coz this will the last time I will allow you to look at me. *I looked at her* Her: See the age difference? He sesi, This aint primary anymore. You no longer own this place. Tears filled my eyes,I wanted to cry so bad. People were laughing at me. Other people even shouted Yah tell her. Why was I hated so much????! :( :( :-( :( :( :( *** Everyone eventually scattered when the principals car pulled in and I was left standing there. I felt there tears and the principals car stopped by me Principal: Excuse me? dont you have somewhere to be? I didnt answer, I just cried and she got out of the car. while I was crying I noticed this other boy who rolled his eyes when he saw me cry. Ihh wow moods, I guess we have a lot of Nhleketos in this world. After she got out of the car she hugged me. Her: Im sorry baby neh? I know how it feels on the first day of high school but youll be fine. Get in the car. Ill figure out what to do when I find the right spot okay? *I nodded* I got in the back seat and I kept playing with my nails. Principal: Baby I never got your name. Me: Nhlori Ndwandwe Her: oh the royal surname? I just smiled. Couldnt everyone be like her. Her: Luzuko?? The boy: Hm? Her: Go with her to the other grade 8s. Good luck Nhlori neh my darling? Me: yes mam. I closed the door and turned to look at Luzuko. He was very hot truth be told. He was light, He was muscular- Im sure there is a six pack in there. He had pink lips and the uniform looked so good on him. He had a lot of badges and he had a lot of academic badges and he played rugby. He led the way without sayin a word. Before I knew it we walked into this hall full of learners my age and the prefects. All the grade 8s looked at me. Miss dimples: um sorry who said you can look up? They all quickly looked down. Hii this girl is mean. Her: uh sorry Miss special mara you should be sitting over there. *pointing at the grade 8s on the floor.* I slowly went to sit Her: TODAY!!!!! ugh yazi kids The hell is her problem? I sat down and they gave us rules. We basically did nothing all day and before I knew it the torture was finished. Yazi this Miss dimples makes me vomit. Ah she basically thinks she runs the school. I hate her. Good night bho standwa. God bless
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 19:47:39 +0000

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