Insert #60 (continuation) Time flyed & before we knew it, it - TopicsExpress


Insert #60 (continuation) Time flyed & before we knew it, it was already blocktime & we both had to go to our dorms. I felt sad, its true Time realy flys when you are having fun. We kissed one last time & went our separate ways. I couldnt wait to sleep kude kubengomso so i can see my person again. I decided to hit the sack as soon as i got to my room. My alarm woke mne the following morning, & i did my usual. The grils were making such a noise in the bathroom, it was rather annoying, but i guess nabo wethu they were excited to see each other.I missed breakfast though cause i had bread that gogo made for me. I took a light bag to school cause i knew for a fact that we wont be having a productive day because mainly teachers will be distributing our report cards, i went to wait for uKhaya by the main gate she came rather sooner than i had expected, i guess she was also anxious to see her results, but knowing oTishala bethu we will get those report cards emva kweMini. The school bell rang & we went our separate ways, but school was just chaotic bingu up & down, teachers probably had shut themselves at the staffroom doing god knows what, so it was up to the prefects to call other students to order. I was not realy u for that so i just smsd Khaya & we met outside her class & decided to take a walk by the rugby field. Breaktime came & passed, after break we were all called to our registered classes. I assumed we were to be handed our reports. & my guess was right. I opened mine almost immediatly. I diddnt do bad shame 1 A 3 Bs & 2 Cs for economics, i folded my card & placed it in my bag, i couldnt wait till after school so I can call uLhele. School knocked of at 12, i was rather excited cause that meant i had more time to spend with myPerson. However we were reminded that school procedes as per normal starting from tommorow. I decide to go to town after school to buy iTuck. Lungelo called me on the way back, he promised to meet me halfway & guess what? By the time the taxi got to eFourways myPerson was already waiting for me there cute as ever :) he helped me carry the stuff to the girls dorm, he said he will wait for me outside, i hurried inside than back to him. I noticed that he was no longer by the door so i went outside & there he was MyPrince waiting for me eKoneni yethu, i smiled & tiptoed to where he was sitting because he had his back towards my direction. I was planning on clossing his eyes & making him guess who it was. But he saw my shadow & laughed I was rather dissapointed but i continued, i shut his eyes & made his face look up. & i kissed him while i was still standing behind him. He smiled I love u too he said inbetween the kiss. I didnt stop i continued kissing until he grabbed both my arms & led me to sit ontop of him. I sat on his lap facing him, my legs on eithr side, our eyes gazing into each other. MyPerson had thee most beautifull eyes the type that i often get lost into. La type yamehlo abudisayo. You look beautiful Buhle i smiled & blushed at the same time, this guy had the blush effect on me. He kept sliding his hands up & down my thighs (mind u i was still wearing my school skirt). He went up to my cake. He rubbed the back of his fingers ontop of my underwear, it felt so good, i tell you my clit was literaly vibrating, i was drooling ndini xelele. He stoped & made me sit up. Lungelo: cela ume kancinci. I nodded. He ran towards the boys dorm leaving me standing there ndimuncu. I sat down wondering ba uyaphi. He quickly came back with a plastic bag in his hand he sat down on the oposite chair, looked me in the eyes, i was kind of nervous cause all of a sudden uLungelo had this serious look o his face. He held my hand Him: Buhle *slight laugh* yazi ndiya nxama I wanted this to wait until the perfect time or setup, but i guees when im with u the time is always perfect, never mind the setup. He took out a small box from the plastic & opened it. Inside was a beautiful ring, i colud not believe it my HEART skipped 10 000 beats, stomach doing somersalts & jumping jacks. I almost cried. He held my hand Buhle this is a promise from me to u im not perfect but i promise to be a perfect boyfriend & future husband to you. Please accept this ring as a token & symbol & promise of my Love to you. I want you to wear it evryday & night for the rest of this lifetime until i can afford to buy you a proper engagement & wedding band. this is a Promise ring Buhle a promise that i will forever cherish you & for u to know that when i count the things i want in my future u are on the top of my list. By now my tears were wailing uncontrolably yhuu hayngeke nawe bungasoze ungalili fondin. I didnt know uLungelo could speak like this. I was never expecting this nevr A promise Ring? :) #tearsofjoy
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 07:40:58 +0000

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