Insert 62 i was really this was the first time - TopicsExpress


Insert 62 i was really this was the first time in my life i did i sonar and these sounds were quite scary. Mandisi: babe open your eyes and see. Me: no mandisi m scared. Doctor: nothing is wrong. Mandisi: all is well babe look please. I opened my eyes and looked at the screen. Me: whats happening. Mandisi: babe you carrying twins look. There were two images on the twins. Me: so can we see their gender. Doctor: yep. He showed us two formations. Mandisi: it looks like they are boys. I magine twins and boys for that matter. Mandisi: wow babe. The other one moved and we can see the lil was so cute like that moment was just priceless. Mandisi kept on kissing me and my tummy.we rapped evrything up and the doctor gave us the sonar recording. Mandisi: wow this explains your extra mood and appetite. I playfully hitted him. Me: we are many in one.imagine three stomachs. Mandisi: now we going to town.m gonna buy you a large pizza and pies and burgers anything you want. Me: mandisi i dont wanna be fat. Mandisi: wow twins. He looked at me and smilled. Me: yep,i brushed my tummy. Mandisi: i love you,i cant believe this i have to call mom. Me: tjo you such a mommas boy neh. Mandisi: i have to share my joy. Me:. We have to start with the nursery..i already have the image. Mandisi: you know we cant waste money on might give birth in cape town. Me: but we will come back. Mandisi: babe we might move there november.we will go when you done with your exams.i started with applying for posts that side. Me: mandisi and you didnt care to tell me..what happened to us talking things through. Mandisi: but you already knew about the move. Me: yet i thought we still had time,where you planning to tell me the day we were supossed to move or. Mandisi: now you overeacting. Me: hayyi mandisi,atleast we going to live with your family they know about our relocation what about mine..there is sisipho i have to talk to bheki about the move.we have like three months left yet you never cared to tell me. Mandisi: thandaza i thought leaving is what you wanted.maybe you needed to get away from that house after all the bad memories so i reckoned the sooner the better. Me: so you thought wrong mandisi. Mandisi: m sorry. He went out cause we reaced debonairs.he bought the pizza then went to steers for the bugers.i even thought he was kidding but to say the truth i was angry of how mandisi keeps on sidelining can he not tell me about the move..m sure he cant wait. I waited for him and he came bak and placed all the stuff ku back seat. He then drove off.we got home i took out my things and went in.i walked past ma thuso and sisipho playing in the lounge. I went straight to the bedroom and called my sister.. She picked up. Fikile: sisters. Me: hey.. Fikile: whats wrong are you fine. Me: wont belive soon you will be aunt to two adorable baby boys. Fikile screamed and i had to take the phone away from my ear for a but. Fikile: really. Me: yeah..but there are chances you wont see them when they are born. Fikile: why? Me: we are moving to cape town before end of this year. Fikile: thandaza,and you telling me now: me: its cause mandisi told me today that he has benn planning all along..he didnt even consult me can you imagine.he went on and didnt invlolve me. Fikile: maybe he has some reasons behind that. Me: fikile there is so much i had to do..what will we do with sisipho..i have to inform bheki about the move and you know how stuborn he is.he wont just let it go. Fikile: i think you have to tell him and maybe work something of you have to stay with her and the other see her on holidays thats the only way. I never imagined being away from my baby..i cant let her go. This is too much. I talked to my sis and finally hunged up. I might writte another insert.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 19:18:14 +0000

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