Insert 65.... I got up and went to the bed, i took my phone - TopicsExpress


Insert 65.... I got up and went to the bed, i took my phone and called Nathi. I just needed to talk to someone. His phone rang with no answer, i hung up and listened to music on my phone, Odwa walked in and sat on the bed still holding the teddy, i removed my earphones , staring at her. I wanted her to leave my room but i couldnt tell her, i didnt want her to see that i was jealous of her so i kept quiet and minded my own business. She kept looking at me, i was slowly getting irritated by her presence. I took out my books and studied totally ignoring her. I could still feel her stare, i was about to snap at her when i held myself and clenched my fist hard trying to control my anger, having anger is something i wouldnt wish for someone to have because sometimes you say things you shouldnt be saying and regret it later. She must have gotten tired of staring at me because i heard her leaving the room, i didnt even look up . I stared at my book and closed it when i was alone. I went to take a shower and chilled in my room naked, i was pressing on my phone when the door flew open. I took a towel and covered my self, it was Lunga with blood in his T-shirt. Lunga: Get dressed we leaving. Me: I am not leaving with you, i will wait for dad. Lunga: Anathi we dont have time. Me: Are you going to leave the others? Lunga: Its you they want Anathi, iza maan. Me: I cant leave naked. Lunga: Get dressed phela. I took my grey sweat pants, vest and sneakers, i went to the bathroom and got dressed. Voice: Anathi. I wore my vest quickly and ran out the bathroom, Lunga was standing by the door with the key in his hand. There was someone banging on the door, calling out my name. Me: Lunga please open the door. Lunga: Hayi Anathi. Me: Thats my dad you dont want to let in. Lunga: Anathi! He trusted towards me, i backed away. Me: I will jump off that window if you come any close to me. I said pointing at the window, he came closer by now i was shivering, i went to the window and looked down, the ground was too far, i just couldnt bring myself into jumping off the window. I went to the other side of the bed. Dad: Lunga please leave my daughter out of this. Lunga: Thula maan njandin!! I sat down and sobbed, i dont know what Lunga wanted from me or from my dad but by the look of things whatever they were fighting over was bad. Lunga came close to me and knelt in front of me, he was about to touch my face when the door flew open, dad walked in with a woman, you could tell that the woman was in her late 20s, she walked up to where we were seated and touched Lungas shoulder, Lunga turned and gave her a hard slap. I backed away, dad came to me and picked me up, he comforted me. Lunga: Now that you both here, explain! Woman: Lunga bendingayazi uba you know each other ninoMandla, uxolo sthandwa sam ndim owrong apha. Mandla: There is a kid in here please go talk outside. Lunga: Mandla how would you feel wena if i was sleeping with Anathis mother huh? Dad: I didnt know that she was your childs mother Lunga nditshilo mos poff she is the one who approached me. Lunga: Dont lie Mandla! Woman: I did Lunga, it was.... She didnt even finish the sentence, Lunga slapped and kicked her to the floor. Dad pulled me out of the room , we walked to his study, i was now quiet and shocked that dad and Lunga were fighting over a girl but i wasnt going to ask dad, it was non of my business. I sat on the chair facing away from dad. The woman was screaming non stop in my room, Lunga was shouting at the top of his voice but i couldnt make out what he was saying.. Dad: Anathi. Me: Tata. Dad: Uright? Me: Ewe tata ndiright. My phone rang, i looked at the screen, the caller was Nathi. Me: Can i please take this? Dad: Sho . I walked out closing the door on my way out, i ran to the far end of the passage. Me: Hello. Nathi: Hi babe, unjani? Me: Am good thnx and you? Nathi: Am good, xolo bendishiye i phone yam endlin bendisetown. Me: Oh ok ke just wanted to hear how you doing. Nathi: Oh am fine babe, how are the exams so far? Me: Yhu nzima laway, ndidikiwe siskolo futhi mna ngok. Nathi: Hahaha dikwe early baby, ndiyaqgiba ubhala next week sizobonana mos? Me: Ewe, nam sendizogqiba. Nathi: Ok ke love. Me: Thanks for the call. Nathi: Love you babe. Me: My dad is around. Nathi: Hahaha bulise kuye neh. Me: Yho yagula. I hung up and went to the study, i sat down on the chair and looked away, the noise had died down so i assumed that Lunga must have left the house with his girlfriend. Me: Tata this house is overcrowded ngoku. Dad: Aibo Anathi. Me: Ewe Odwa needs to go home, Sis Ntoko can rent at a nearby flat and stay there. She isnt a nanny so i dont see why she is staying with us, as for Luthando i dont see why he still comes here. Dad: So you want me to chase them out. Me: If thats the only way of getting rid of them. Dad: Andizoye..... Voice: Besendihamba kakade. I turned, Odwa was standing by the door with her hands on her hips, she walked away, dad stared at me.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 09:48:48 +0000

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