Insert 67 One thing led to another and things heated up. That - TopicsExpress


Insert 67 One thing led to another and things heated up. That was the one thing I hated when me and Luzuko are alone in a room. I pulled back and he groaned. He pulled flipping me over. Me: Luzuko not now not like this. Him: Please love its something I need from you right now. Me: Im not ready. Him: You never will be. Come on Nhlori Im begging you on this one. Me: Luzuko nooooo He sighed and threw himself on the bed and looked the other way. Him: I dont get you. Me: What do you mean. Him: You lead me on all the time just to drop me the last minute. Its not the first time you do this you know. Me: Eix ndonda Im sorry. He got off the bed and went to the bathroom. He stayed there for a long time. Eh its not my fault at all. Im only 14 and he is how old 17 eh. He then came back later on. I would rather say he was disappointed than angry with me. I felt the thick atmosphere. He came to lie next to me. We then fell asleep. **** I woke up first. He was still asleep and I looked at the time and it was 17:00 and I stood up. It was still light outside. I shook Luzuko. Him: Mhhhhhhhhh Me: Luzuko Im leaving. Him: Mhmmmm Me: Im goin. Him: Ok. Him: Wait what?!?! Me: I have to go. Him: Its still early. Me: I Have to go Him: Mxm wait Ill walk you home. He got off the bed and came to me. We went outside and it was starting to be dark. Him: Haaaaaa Me: What Him: Im scared Me: Eh he Luzuko Him: Eh ndonda go alone Im scared. Me: Luzuko are you mad Him: Im not mad Im scared.Phela its dark who will I return with itll be too dArk. Me: Who should I go with?!? He looked down and smiled. Him: Stay ke. Me: You boy can me unbelievable. Him: Okay ke bye. Me: Luzuko you leaving me? Luzuko: Come if you want to come but go if you want to go. Me: Luzuko you unbelievable okay ke bye. Him: How far will you even go?? Me: Musi you dont wanna take me home. If you keep doing this I wont come to your house anymore. Him: Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine He walked me to my house slowly. Almost like he didnt want to. It was kinda cold and I was freezing. After what felt like forever we arrived at my house and a car was packed outside. I heard something that sounded like Nhleketo screaming. I looked at my Luzuko. Him: what?! Me: Do something. Him: About what?!?!*t. He ran into the house and opened it. He the door open so I followed him to see. This guy tried hitting Luzuko but he ditched. The guy had a knife and he was fighting with it and Luzuko had nothing. Someway somehow Luzuko grabbed the knife out of his hands and put it against his throat. It was a side of him Ive never seen before not even when he came to rescue me. He had a dangerous look on his face. The guy was bigger than him but it didnt seem like it. He threatened the guy...... I think :-/ The he gave him back his knife and the man went out with Xongile and Amu. I wouldnt call the man a coward but Luzuko I dont even know what to call him. Hes a thug. I went inside the house and I looked at Nhleketo who looked fine. No red marks or anything. Luzuko looked at me and I looked away.Nhleketo stood up and mumbled some ungrateful crap busy swearing at that guy and went out the door to somewhere I dont even know. Luzuko: Babe its not what it looks like. I just kept quiet. Him: I only do this in case of emergencies. Im not a thug anymore. Me: Anymore?? Him: Yes anymore. Me: So you were once a thug? Him: Yes. I looked away. I wonder what he did Me: What kind of a thug?? Him: Promise me to still look at me the same way you did before hearing this. Me: I promise. Good Night my loveliest
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 18:04:16 +0000

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