Insert 68 I got off the taxi and call Kele to come fetch me - TopicsExpress


Insert 68 I got off the taxi and call Kele to come fetch me and she said she was on her way..... I waited and waited..... Keles time management skills were awful shem...... While I was waiting some huge car pulled up next to me.... I took one look and saw a man who looked old enough to be my father in there so I looked away.... The guy opened his window and was like Hello..... Before I could greet him back I heard Keles voice coming from the passenger seat.... Kele: Malesedi get in.... She spoke in such a calm way, it didnt sound like the Kele I knew but I went inside the car.... Kele:Baby this is Lesedi.... Lesedi this is Sbusiso.... O.o Baby....? Yooh cant call a man who looks like that a baby.... Me:Hello bhuti..... Sbu:Hey Lesedi... Kele has been telling me a lot about you.... Its good to finally meet you.... Me:Mhmmm.... He started the car..... Sbu:Do you ladies want anything to eat or drink....? Kele:Baby I just need two bottles of wine to keep us busy tonight.... Lesedi do you want anything....? Me:Ha.a Im fine.... We drove off and he stopped at a bottle store then went inside leaving me and Kele alone in the car..... Kele:Masooo ....!!!! Im glad you are here yooh we are going to have an epic sleep over..... It sounded like the loud Kele I know.... Me:Hahaha Kele whos this fossil....? Kele:Hahaha dont call him that haow thats my friend.... Me:Namanga Kele.... You make friends with guys who are old enough to be you ancestor...?? Kele:Hahaha Maso chill will you....? Hes a credit card with two feet..... Me:You know credit cards have to be paid back.... So wena Kele how do you pay him back....?? She was about to answer me but the fossil came back and got into the car.... He gave Kele the plastic bag and we drove off to Keles house.... When we arrived Kele said her goodbyes and we got out the car and the fossil drove off.... Me: Mhmmmmmm Kele:Hahahahaha save it please..... We walked in kabo Kele.... It was a huge yard with beautiful flower banks in front.... Its was so clean and the lawn was so green, that house didnt suit Kele..... Phela Kele is such a loud person you would swear she was from a skwatter camp.... We found the dooor open she we just walked in..... Kele:Where are the people of this house....? I knew Kele was the only kid but I didnt think she was calling her parents in that way.... A soft female voice replied.... Her:Im busy cooking..... Kele went to put the plastic in her room before we went to the kitchen to greet.... We found some old woman slaving by the stove..... Me:Dumelang gogo.... Gogo greeted me back..... Kele:Mama this is Malesedi but you can call her Maso..... Maso this is my mother.... O.o I was shocked to find out that Keles mother was that old..... I always thought my mother was old but Keles mother was worse.... She looked like she was in her early or mid 60s.... Me:Haibo.... Gogo:Haha its fine you can call me gogo.... Kele told us you were coming and that we had to make sure you enjoy your stay here so if you need anything dont hesitate..... Me:Thank you gogo.... Gogo:Where are your bags....? :/ :/ Eisssh this woman was asking me a difficult question but Kele came to my rescue..... Kele:Mama Im going to show Maso around.... We will be back for supper..... She smiled and continued cooking.... Keles mother was so calm I wonder how she got such a child..... Kele is what I called a demon of a child..... We left and Kele went to introduce me to the neighbours who all seem to already know my name, young and old they all knew me... Kele talked to much..... At around six we went back to Keles house and had supper with the mother and father.... Her father looked even older, he even reminded me of the late Nelson Mandela lol no like really..... After a nice supper listening to Kele talk and talk , we excused ourselves..... We sat in Keles room and started drinking wine while listening to old school music.... I had doubts about drinking wine because I knew it ran straight to my cookie but since it was there I just drank.... Kele:Didnt you say you werent going to drink after the weekend that passed....? Me:You said you were going to chop off all your toes if I did that so since vele I dont want a friend without toes, I changed my mind..... We laughed and continued drinking like there was no tomorrow... As soon as I felt the wine doing its job I asked Kele to borrow me something to sleep in and I made a place to sleep on the floor..... Kele:Why are you sleeping on the floor....? We could both fit on the bed.... Me:Kele please leave me alone.... Lol I wasnt going to sleep on the same bed with Kele after drinking an entire bottle of wine for obvious reasons.... Phindi called me before I passed out to check if I had found a place to stay.... I told her I was with Kele and I could just sense her excitement through the phone, she told me she would arrive on Friday and we hung up..... I was counting down the hours..... On Thursday I woke up with a very painfull back, after effects of sleeping on the floor.... Kele and I spent most of Thursday laying around the house watching movies.... Keles mother was the sweetest human being alive, cant say the same for her daughter though.... She cleaned and cooked..... I offered to help her do the dishes and after supper she and her husband went to sleep....Kele wanted us to go partying that night but I didnt feel like it, I was too excited about see Phindi..... Friday morning we both got up and bathed..... Kele borrowed me her clothes to wear..... Keles wardrobe was mostly shorts and crop tops but luckily she had a nice loose top and I wore it with black leggings..... We watched movies again to kill time and around late afternoon there was a knock on the door.... I personally went to open it and there was my boo.... She gave me that cute smile of hers and I jumped at her to give her a hug..... Gogo:Haow you two know each other....? We both heard gogos voice but we didnt bother to even look at her..... I only pulled back when I felt Kele tap my shoulder and only then did I notice Keles mother..... Phindi: Uhm dumelang Mama.... Gogo:Haha hai hello my child... Phindi walked in and she greeted Kele and her mother with hugs.... Afterwards Kele, Phindi and I went to the other room where I assumed Phindi would be sleep.... As soon as we were in that room I gave Phindi a passionate kiss.... Kele:Hai hai hai do you two realise Im still in the room....? We stopped kissing and laughed at Kele..... Me:Sorry I just missed my friend..... Kele:Mhmm your friend neh.... Okay okay so its Friday what are we doing tonight.....? Kele had nothing but getting drunk in mind so we agreed to go out that night even though I wanted nothing but to stay indoors and cuddle with Phindi.... After supper we all got refreshed,grabbed camping chairs and waited for Sbu to come fetch us.... When he arrived we drove to some place Kele suggested..... It had very nice vibes, it was like a chisanyana kinda place.... We sat there and Sbu gave us a cooler box filled with booze and as usual we started drinking..... It was obvious Phindi visited Kele often because many people there knew her and Kele and they came to greet them.... Me:You two are very popular around here neh.... Kele:Hahaha when you ride with Kele its a might..... We were having a good time.... After a while Kele asked to be excused.... I didnt make much of it, she got up and left.... 30 minutes passed and Kele still wasnt back lol poor Sbu kept checking his watch after every 5 minutes.... When I got tipsy I asked Phindi to accompany me to the toilet..... We walked to the toilet which was a long walk away.... Phindi stood at the door.... Me:Arent you coming in with me....? Phindi:For what now....? Me:Im scared haow ...... I pulled her inside..... I didnt need the toilet I just wanted to have her alone somewhere..... I pushed her against the wall and kissed her..... Gosh it was only a week after I had met her but Phindi was driving me crazy...... We continued kissing and as it was about to rain in my undies someone knocked at the door -_- .... Some people aint got timing..... Phindi pulled back..... Phindi:I see you dont want to use the toilet so lets get out of here..... Me: But baby ...... :( Phindi:Ha.a not here...... As sad as I was we got out of the toilet and the person who was knocking ran in..... Lol poor thing probably had a running stomach or something..... As we walked out I saw Kele in the distance.... It was dark but I was sure it was her.... She was sitting with someone but I couldnt see the person..... Me:Phindi is that Kele....? Phindi looked in their direction and smiled..... Phindi:Yes thats her... Me:Who is she with....? Phindi:I think thats Sindi.... Me:Sindi....? Phindi:Yeah her girlfriend..... Me:You mean boyfriend.... Phindi:Hahaha Lesedi dont tell me you dont know..... Phela Kele has a girlfriend I felt a cold shiver run down my spine.... O.o O.o O.o Yoooooooooh Homos must be doing something right because straight women dont exist anymore.....
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 19:45:57 +0000

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