Insert 70 Two months later... I tried calling mom but i - TopicsExpress


Insert 70 Two months later... I tried calling mom but i just couldnt bring myself to doing it. I knew that shed cry, she loved dad with every single organ of her body. Samantha lost the baby, she had a miscarriage. She hasnt been herself lately i guess grieving for a child got to her. I felt sorry for her because no one deserves to lose a child but on the other hand i remembered that no one can ever build his/her happiness on someones misery, noma uthanda inyembezi zomntu aziweli phantsi. I remember how much i cried for my relationship with Sam. How much i cried for Him. Im 7 months now and i just cant wait to get to the 9th month cause yhooo this baby is heavy maarn, one would swear im carrying twins yhuuu. Sam and i werent back together yet since i gave him time to grieve the loss of his child. To me the child was his noba ebethini na. We only talked to each other when were going to the doctor for a scan and maybe when he wants to bond with his child. He tried his best shame so i decided to finally break the ice, kudala ezama. After all my lectures on a friday afternoon i went back to res feeling tire yhooo, my feet were swollen and all. I got my room and took a shower gqiba kwam i jet off to Sams room. Athi told me that he had no lectures so i wanted to suprise him. I knocked and he opened up for me looking really confused cause i never paid him a visit. Him: Sihle Me: Hey, can i come in. He moved out the way for me and i sat on his bed because i couldnt stand since my feets were killing me Sam: Is the baby fine? Are you fine Me: You still care about us? Sam: Ill always do Me: How would you like to have us back in your life again? Sam: You me maarn Sihle are you joking Me: Nop Sam: Youre giving me another chance Me: Yeah, i miss you maarn and i think youve learnt your lesson now Sam: Trust me i have Me: Good, uhm....Samantha ithin into yakhe? Sam: Im not into contact with her anymore. If it wasnt for her my relationship wouldnt have ended. I know she needs someone to be on her side since she miscarried kodwa that cant be me. Im still * kissed him* We broke the kiss then looked deep in my eyes. Sam: Youre kissing me Me: talk too much which is so not like you Sam: Im sorry baby Me: I forgave you a long time ago He gave me a tight hug then kissed my face everywhere-my nose, my cheeks, my eyes, chin everywhere. I giggled cause what he did kinda tickeled me Sam: Im never letting you go ever again Me: I cant breath He let go of me then laughed. That very moment my nunu kicked so hard, i just couldnt tell whether he was angry or happy over something. Me: Give me your hand I placed his hand on my stomach and he smiled when he felt his baby kick. Me: Andazi ndenzeni to deserve this, ndiyabethwa ngoku shame Sam: *talking to my belly*Hey big boy, umenzani umama boy? Hay maarn come out already i wanna meet this crazy nigga that you are Me: Hey mntanam is no nigga Sam: He will be Me: Samkelo! He looked at me then smiled. How i missed this smile, shame i can see hes even lost some weight ehleli engekho. Me: You lost some weight Sam: Long story Me: Hau were you also crying yourself to sleep every night? Sam: Something like that Me: Unamanga Sam: ask Athi Me: Indoda ayikhali Sam: Ikhala xa kukubi Me: Shame I hugged him and he buried his face on my shoulder sniffing. Me: Dont tell me youre crying Sam: No im not. I just missed your scent Me: Ncooooow i missed yours too Sam: Thanks babe Me: Ngantoni? Sam: Everything. I dont deserve you shame Me: Hayi ungalili please cut the speech Sam: *laughs* On a serious not though, im really thankful for the chance youve given me. Me: Not a single day passed ndingacinganga ngawe especially now that youve been going with me on check up Sam: Suythetha He held me tight then we shared one passionate kiss. Sam: Its been a while I just smiled and looked at him. Sam: I hope no one has planted his wet lips here Me: Except for you, no Sam: You saying my lips are wet?? Me: You said that nje We sat on the bed and catched up. Told each other the crazy things we did when we missed each other, though it was painful at the time we actually laughed about the whole things. Sam: I was worried about you kodwa Me: I cried for you Sam: Nchooo baby im sorry I missed Sam with my alll and im glad we managed to fix things and start all over again.. Sihle
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 03:21:17 +0000

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