Insert ...[75] I got inside the house, Asanda ws already - TopicsExpress


Insert ...[75] I got inside the house, Asanda ws already dressed up. hee. Me: Hey princess. Asanda; Hi sis Ukuhle, can we go now ? Me: Ima ndiyonxiba kqala. Asanda: Okay, make quick. Me: Eshee unxityiswe ngubani ? Asanda: Ndim. Me: You look beautiful. Asanda: Thank you. I went to my room and changed into more comfortable clothes. I checked my phone, Senzo had transferred airtime to me. I dialled his number, it rang but he didnt pick up, I tried again but he didnt pick up. Okay. Maybe hes busy. I put my money and my phone in my purse. I called Nonny. She picked up on the first ring. Nonny: Melo baby ? Me: Uhm, chommy ? do you know any cab numbers ? Nonny: :Yes chommie. Me: Mind texting them to me ? Nonny: Ofcourse not, Ill send you an sms just now. Me: Okay chommy thanks. I hung up and waited for her text, it finally came through then I called a cab, After a few minutes the driver called to say he was here. We went up to him and got in the car. We got to town and Asanda chose a restuarant. we had lunch, then I decided on shopping for my outfit. I found white shorts ndathenga ne allstar ewhite, the rest, I was gonna dig in my wardrobe. I bought Asanda a dress she liked then we took a taxi home. Asanda: We should do this again. Me: What ? go out ? Asanda: Yess. Me: hahaha when I have enough cash, well do it. Asanda: Okay. We got inside the house, there was a lady. she looked in her early 30s. Me: Molweni sisi. her: Molweni bantwana bam kunjani ? Me: Ndiyaphila sisi wena ? Her: Ndiyaphila, Im the new help. Me: Okay, cool. Nice to meet you. Her: Same here by the way, call me sis Nana. Me: Oh okay ke. Sis Nana: Arent you guys hungry ? I made you something to eat. Asanda: Andilambanga mna sisi sis Ukuhle and I went out sanqa. Sis Nana: hinki tana. Asanda: But, Ill eat later. she ran off to her room. Sis Nana: oooh shes so adorable. Me: yeah, she is. SisNana: Wena uright ? uhluthi nawe ? Me: Ewe ndisahluthi mna. SisNana: Okay ke. Me: Uhm, excuse me. SisNana: Okay ntombi. I went to my room and fitted my clothes one more time. I needed to start saving though cause I sure didnt know how to spend wisely, I always opt for thee most unneccesarry things, like, instead of a cab I should have taken a taxi but hey, I wanted to make this special for Asanda. I dialled Daniels number, it rang twice and he answered. Daniel: Sweetheart ? me: uhm, were back already, you can come. Daniel: Okay, Ill be there just now. Me: Cool. I hung up. I texted Senzo Hey, thanks for the airtime ..miss you. I held my phone in my hands for a whie, staring anxiously at the screen, hoping hed reply, but he didnt. Guess he was busy. but I missed that craziac yoh ! After like 30minutes or so, there was a knock on the door, it was Daniel.. Me: Hey, come in. He walked in. Daniel: So have you met the help already ? Me: Yes, I have. Daniel: Okay, how did your day go ? Me: Great, we also went shopping. Daniel: Nice, wanna go out for a movie ? Me: Yeah sure. Daniel: Go check on Asanda first then we can go. Me: Okay, Ill be right back. I went to Asandas room, she was doing puzzles. Me: Princess ? Asanda: si ? Me: Im going somewhere with Daniel, Ill be back vha ? Asanda: Okay. Me: Sure ke. I went to the kitchen, sisNana was there, sitting on one of the high chairs. Me: Uhm, sisi, ndisahamba no Daniel, but Ill be back. SisNana: Okay ke sthandwa sam, dont stay up till late. Me: Okay sisi, I wont. I went out and went to join Daniel at the louge. Me: Everything is settled. Daniel: Youre ready to go ? Me: Yep. Daniel: Its a bit chilly, go wear a jacket or something. Me: Okay. I went to my room and looked for a jacket, ndanxiba then went back to my brother. Me: Lets go already. we went to his car and drove off. We watched movies, then decided to go take a walk at the beach, we were actually getting to know eachother quite better, he was something else though ..:) We played with sand, played with water, chased each other around and oh, we took alot of crazy pictures nge phone yakhe since his camera was more fancy than mine. He took me home when it was already dark, I got home, checked on Asanda and went to sleep immediately. I woke up the following morning, my phone ringing. I checked the caller I.D. It was Senzo, I answered it. Me: Hmmm ? Senzo: Just wake up woman ! Me: what time is it ? Senzo: Its 8am already. Me: oh shxt ! Senzo: Get ready, Ill come pick you up. Me: Uhh. no. Im meeting up with the girls in town since they dont know your house so well go together. Senzo: Okay, do you have enough cash with you ? Me: Yeah, Daniel gave me my allowance. Senzo: Im still going to give you too. Me: You dont have to really, and please dont argue with me. So what time should we be there ? Senzo: Is 11am alright ? Me: Well be there at 10am. Senzo: Great. cant wait to see you. Me: Me too. Senzo: Bye then. Me: Sharp. We hung up. I was smiling from ear to ear, dont know why but I was so looking forward to this. I logged in on whatsapp and scrolled to our groupchat. Me: Guys, lets meet in town ngo 9:30. Sihle: Okay chommie, uyifumene ioutfit ? Me: Ndithenge ishoti nesihlangu qha, i think I have a white silk top and a white blazer somewhere in my closet. Amanda: hey guys .. Me: Amish scroll up and read my text. Amanda: I did, well tell the others. Me: K sure, gotta go. Amanda: Melo uzathini ngentloko yakho ? Me: Yoh ! yazi I havent even thought about it. Amanda: Unayo i iron ? Me: andikho sure noba uAnathi wayithatha nale yakhe. Nonny: Hayiwethu friend uzodlula etown and iron your hair, its cheap. Me: and I need to do something about it. See you at 9:30 ngakwa steers, dont be late. Amanda: Nakanjani chommie. I logged out. I went to take a bath then I looked for my clothes and ironed everything. I ironed Asandas new dress the I went to wake her up ndamhlamba ndamnxibisa and we went to the kitchen, sis Nana was making breakfast in th kitchen. Me: Good morning sisi. Sis Nana: Good morning babies ninjani ? Asanda: Im good thanks and you ? Sis Nana: Im good too, niyaphi na nababahle kanje ? Me: Siya kwa Senzo sisi. SisNana: Okay, next time niboyeka ndini iron(ele) kaloku thats my job sthandwa sam. Me: Ok sisi. My phone rang, it was Senzo, again. Me: Mh ? Senzo: umyeke uMa-Asi Ill come fetch her, Me: Okay. Senzo: Sho. He hung up. Me: Princess uzozothathwa ngu buhtSenzo vha ? ndizodibana nawe pha vha ? Asanda: Okay. I ate my breakfast, I finished eating and went to say goodbye to sisNana and Asanda then took a taxi to town. We met up with the girls at the agreed time. They were all sizzling hot, iworse ke uAmanda, she had outdone herself. Busie: Hee anibahle maarn ! Me: Nawe nje chomii uyababa. Sihle: hayi jonga ! senza ikaka enesiyezi. I laughed. Amanda: Melo, lets go get your hair fixed. Sihle: I cant help but notice that youre the only one ongathi uvuka ehlathini. M: ha-ha ndizabamhle ngoku nam sanqa. Nonny took me to a salon, I had my hair ironed nam nda right then we headed for Senzos house, it was already 10am. We got there and surprisingly the place was already packed. Senzo came to greet us at the gate, hee you should have seen Amandas face, ebenendawu ezingathi uyatswina ntanga. I introduced them to Daniel and they were so excited to see him, he was with his girlfriend Laila. Amanda: Senzo ? Senzo: Yes ? Amanda: Can I talk to you for a second ? Senzo: Im sorry, my baby wont like that. I smiled from ear to ear, then a girl who looks in her early 20s walked in and kissed Senzo. Me: Senzo, whose this ? hayi, I couldnt even contain myself. Senzo: Oh, This is my girlfriend, Onele. MKe: Can I talk to you for a minute ? Senzo: Ill be right back baby okay ? Onele: Okay honey. They kissed then Senzo followed me to the guestroom. Me: Really ? Senzo ? Senzo: What ? Me: So you brought that girl just to make me feel jealous or better yet just to hurt my feelings ? wow ! you know what ? Thats low, even for you. Senzo: The world doesnt revolve around you Melo sthandwa sam, get over yourself already. He walked out, too calm for my liking .. Ndshiyeka ndinendawu ezifunu faint(a) .. :( :( :/
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 20:27:10 +0000

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