Insert 77 After Sam was calm and all we had a very mature - TopicsExpress


Insert 77 After Sam was calm and all we had a very mature conversation about our future plans concerning our baby and all. Sam: Thanks babe Me: What for? Sam: for being the person you are. For being the most amazing, supportive and understanding girlfriend ever. I love you Me: Ncooooh! Ndakuthanda nam babe We cuddled and coversated about random stuff. Sam: Nana Me: Mmmmhm Sam:Ndicela umntana umbize nge surname yam Me: Yhooo babe....i dont know... I doubt my mom will agree to that. Kaloku im not married to you Sam: But babe you have the final say Me: *sighs* Ill think about it Honestly, it was going to be hard. Kaloku i grew up knowing that if you concieve while at home your child will use your last name(surname). My phone rang disturbing me from my thoughts. It was mom. Me: Mama wam Mom: *sniffing* Its final my baby. Im divorced My heart broke into pieaces. I knew that my parents were getting divorced but it still came in as a shock. Tears filled my eyes. How can dad do such to mom knowing exactly where he stands kumama. I mean my mom loves...loved rather, dad with every single organ of her body but thats how she gets paid. Suddenly, this just brought memories. How my dad reacted when he heard i was pregnant and stuff. Thats where things werent wrong. Thats where mom and dad started having problems just because mom took my side instead of his. I somehow felt like im the cause of this and talking to my mom knowing that im the one who caused her divorce......ay its unexplainable. I shouldve have aborted the child and kept quiet about it. Maybe my parents would be still together. Well....tata yena was always away for business but atleast mom would still be married to the man she loves dearly. Me: Im sorry mom Tears scrolled down my cheeks. What am i gonna do? How will i live with myself? :( Mom: Dont be mntanam maybe its for the better Me: Mama im sorry i caused this. If only i had been careful ngendingazange ndamitha and now because of my pregnancy everything just falls apart. Mom: Nonsense your dad just wanted to move on. Ill let him go, like you said i have you and your brother. Me: Kodwa mama... :( Mom: Please dont cry kaloku. Youll upset the baby Me: I dont care mama. I want to be happy mna Mom: You have me and your brother, you have Samkelo and a bundle of joy coming your way Me: :( Mom this is just not fair Mom: Lifes not fair, we have to live with that I took a deep sigh whilst crying. Sam was brushing my back. Shame, he didnt even know why i was crying. Mom: Now listen to me. We dont need your dad to be happy sizoba right uyevah I nodded while sucking my thumb(just felt likr doing that). Mom: Youre nodding kowa andikboni Me: How did you know Mom: Youll know soon. Youre gonna be a mother I smiled through my tears then said goodbye to my mom and held on Sam for dear life. Me: Its not fair :( Sam: Hush now Me: Its final my parents are divorced because of ME and this baby Sam: Hey hey, dont blame yourself He wiped my tears then made me look at him Sam: Do you believe in God? Me: Ive never been to church Sam: Its not about that sthandwa sam. Look at me for instance, ive never been to church and im a sinner kodwa i believe in God and i trust in him. I read the bible and ndiyamphila though ndingakhonzi. I looked at him waiting for him to clarify. Sam: Marriage is a gift from God and your parents brought together by God. He wont allow a pieace of paper stand in his way of bringing back your parents together. Mna i believe theyll sort out their differences and be together again Me: Thats impossible Sam: Its possible to God. Come lets pray We knelt down and held hands then prayed. I cried most of the time asking for forgiveness. Im showing offf my relationship kodwa im blessed to have Sam in my life. To have such a God fearing man in your life is surely a blessing never doubt that. Sihle
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 15:49:23 +0000

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