Insert #8 I quickly made my way home and Alex wasnt there. I - TopicsExpress


Insert #8 I quickly made my way home and Alex wasnt there. I got to the kitchen and Martha was sitting on the couch. Martha uphi uAlex ? I asked Andimazi bhuti ndifike emkile nam she replied. I was clearly not thinking straight because never in a million years would I allow Martha to watch tv before she even cleans . I quickly rushed upstairs and bathed. I got into my jeans and levis golf shirt, I wore my loafers and put on some cologne. I looked around for my Ray bans and found then in Alexs drawer. I reached for my car keys and cellphone. While walking downstairs I switched it on and started reading the incoming messages. Whats going on with us Andile ? Is this how we want our marriage to be ? Andile you decide to sleep elsewhere when things go sour instead of coming to fix things. I hope you will one day put me before your pride because I still love you . Please come back so we can fix our mess this text hit home. It touched my heart. It was a text from Alex. I called her and her phone rang unaswered. I called her secretary and she told me she wasnt in the office . I went to the spa and booked a massage package for both of us. I got her her favourite chocolate and a bouquet of roses. She had been nagging me about getting a new bedroom set so I went and purchased it and had it delivered and put in. It was now 15:00 and still she had not called me back. I called her again and she answered. Baby ... I said Yoh Andile my phone has a problem, I saw your missed call but ayifun uphone(a), xolo she said sounding like she was driving. Its fine baby please meet me pha ngakula garage ingase Monte Casino I asked Ok, Im almost there anyways she said Shap I said and she dropped the phone. I made my way to the garage and traffic was already packing up. It was now 15:40. I saw her drive in and asked her to follow me so we drove to the Spa. We took 45 minutes to get to the spa and since it was an exclusive Spa it closed at 22:00. We made our way in and went for our massages. We spent 2 hours at the spa and they served dinner which took 30 more minutes, at this point I gave her the flowers and chocolate. It would get awkward from time to time but we made the best out of the experience. We left the spa and made our way home. We both got into the house and I was ready to show her the bedroom set. Ima baby I said and quickly blind folded her. I held her hand and waist. Yintoni baby ? She asked anxiously Uzobona ima I said We walked up and I remove the blindfold She kept exclaiming wow baby ! This is so nice ! She hugged me and I removed her hair away from her face. I love you Mangwanya I said and kissed her cheek This I said while looking at the mark on her face. This will never happen again ok ?! If it happens burn me baby, kill me because Ill never be able to live with myself again I said and kissed her She smiled and looked down. She kissed my chest. Umfutshane kodwa baby I said to her and we laughed. She walked away and changed into tights and a tshirt. I sat on the bed and watched her. The time was now 21:00 and I remembered that I had promised Xabisa dinner. My phone was off since the spa. Shit Im sure kudala iphone(a) ke lewey I thought to myself. Baby do we have ice cream ? I asked while laying back onto the bed and switching my phone on. Yes baby, yayifuna ? She asked while washing her face. Yes... please I replied after a big pause, sounding like I wasnt there. We both went silent. I was trying to get her to go pour icecream so I can call Xabisa . Baby yenza alo I said hurrying her up. Go do it baby Im exfoliating my face she replied. I sent Xabisa an sms Coming, what you wanna eat? I asked She replied immediately Not hungry. I didnt have much to say and I was with the woman of my dreams afterall. Hey baby uzoba ngumama onjan nna ? Abantwana bethu bazo lamba, ice cream alo baby I said Funny you speak about babies she said and walked back into the room while drying her face. What does that mean ? I asked and sounded like I wasnt impressed. Hay yeka she replied Thetha maan ! I said and was starting to be annoyed. I think you should calm down hey she said and went back to the bathroom and closed the door. I walked out of the room and called Xabisa.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 19:55:51 +0000

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